AusGamers was given a unique opportunity to speak with one of Microsoft's most prolific Xbox faces in Phil Spencer, about the publisher's forthcoming Xbox One console, and much of what made its initial reveal somewhat controversial.
And while we do touch heavily on the "Microsoft 180", it's information about factors like sticking with a subscription model for Xbox Live, fostering the indie community and the potential for expanded cross-platform play thanks to the new console's architecture and the ubiquitous nature of systems like Windows 8 and Xbox Live that are most exciting.
"I think what you’re talking about makes a lot of sense," Phil enthused when asked if we'd see a closer relationship between the PC and Xbox One moving forward. "Now you have differences in Windows gaming and console gaming around control and input... in fact if you go back to Shadow Run on Xbox 360 -- something I worked on -- we had PC players playing against Xbox 360 customers. We didn’t have tremendous success with that, but we learnt a lot from it [...] This connected ecosystem across all the different devices is definitely where I think the future of gaming is going; you don’t
have to do it as a developer, but you have the capability and I think a system like Xbox Live across all those screens where you know who someone is and who their friends are, what their Achievements are and their progression is really critical to that."
Click here for our full Phil Spencer interview.
Posted 06:27pm 08/10/13
Posted 07:43pm 08/10/13
Burn them.
Posted 09:52pm 08/10/13
It's time for everyone to just start respecting what their respective target respects. Enough with the ridiculousness already.
Posted 09:54pm 08/10/13
30fps is incorrect.
Posted 09:57pm 08/10/13
Posted 10:01pm 08/10/13
Yeah holding a generation back for 10 years is wrong. Much like christianity holding civilisation back for thousands
Posted 10:02pm 08/10/13
The console wars and console/PC wars are so archaic, just get the f*** over it everyone. Games are games. If you have fun they're fun. No one you play against on your respective platform in anything competitive is playing you from another platform, so why does it matter?
Posted 10:05pm 08/10/13
How about I simplify it, games are games, people play them on their platform of choice. Probably worth respecting that.
Posted 10:39pm 08/10/13
No, you're wrong. whats different this gen from last gen and the gen before that? This gen they are already well behind PC performance. If they should ever have aimed for 60fps it should have been well before pc left them for dead.
Posted 02:27am 09/10/13
Oh wait...
Posted 10:49am 09/10/13
Btw at the end of the article it mentions AMD have their say next mouth. Havent read this yet but it will be interesting to hear what they have to say.
Posted 11:10am 09/10/13
Posted 11:40am 09/10/13
Posted 12:23pm 09/10/13
1080 @ 60+ constant fps requires lots of power and money, even still now. The next gen consoles are pushing somewhere above 30fps in their games, but less than 60, and since they all run vsync, you're left at 30fps. - If they did away with vsync, you'd get a more fluid output.
So now they have to make compromises, s*** game, or s*** hardware, or expensive console which makes people wonder why they don't buy a plain PC?
AMD wouldn't publish this article, clearly. There are people in the industry such as John Carmack who's touched base on this. If you listen to a few of Carmacks rants, the guy is very knowledgeable and articulate - and unbiased.
I think it's more of a general problem. Even if they went with nVidia GPU's, we wouldn't get GK110's in them. They'd probably use a 660ti chip or something close. This is a problem more local to the decisions of MS and Sony.
Posted 01:20pm 09/10/13
Posted 01:38pm 09/10/13
Posted 02:33pm 09/10/13
Frames per second wasn't my argument though, I was simply pointing out that fun game is fun, regardless of platform
Posted 08:12pm 09/10/13
no, it's more that console lovers will tell you how much better they are because using a controller is harder therefore they are the superior gamer. At least the ones I know say that kind of crap.
I tried playing an FPS on my PC the other week using a 360 controller, it's the most clumsy system ever invented.