A job listing posted to Microsoft's
careers website suggests that the publisher is staffing up in house development for a new Age of Empires game. (thanks
"Microsoft Studios is looking for a highly experienced senior games developer to help build and lead the team for a new AAA title within an established and well-loved strategy game franchise."
While the listing bears no specific mention of AoE, unless they've sneakily acquired the rights to something else, it really is the only title in the publishers portfolio that could be remotely described as a "well-loved strategy franchise".
Since 2005's Age of Empires 3, the series has only seen brief life in Age of Empires Online, which launched as a free-to-play game in 2011 and was effectively shut down to new players last September.
Posted 10:30am 08/5/14
Halo fanboys seemed to think that was amazing, so Microsoft probably did too.
Posted 11:11am 08/5/14
Posted 01:02pm 08/5/14
Posted 02:24pm 08/5/14
I'd rather Age of Mythology 2.
Posted 10:39pm 08/5/14
more Valve projects Dan..