A stunning technical achievement and a hardcore simulator that is both approachable and transcendent. We took to the skies over the course of dozens of hours with
Microsoft Flight Simulator and marveled at the miracle of flight, our planet, and how developer
Asobo and the
Xbox team delivered one of the year's defining experiences.
The latest instalment in the long running Flight Simulator series from Microsoft continues the trend of being as focused on ensuring the propeller on a Cessna 152 is the same dimension, size, and weight of its real-world counterpart as it is presenting the sort of distance and scale we rarely see in digital form. In 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator leverages technology that feels as much of our current place and time as it does the immediate and distant future.
From small towns to large cities, high-resolution satellite imagery is then processed by sophisticated AI to let Skynet-by-the-way-of-Azure cloud computing recreate structural and environmental shapes, heights, and detail without the need for an individual to go in and spend months modelling Sunshine West in Melbourne. It’s impressive to say the least. But again, throw in scale – as in the entire planet Earth – and the mind boggles. Especially when real-world weather tracking and entire systems that ensure clouds look and behave realistically, in addition to how wind affects your craft depending on which side of the mountain you’re flying, are also in place.
Our Full Microsoft Flight Simulator Review
Posted 05:27pm 17/8/20
Posted 06:22pm 17/8/20
Posted 06:23pm 17/8/20
An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
Human flight is a combination of science/technology/mechanics, not the divine.
Posted 06:32pm 17/8/20
Didn't use 'Miracle' in the strictest sense of the term. More humility than the divine, more my understanding of flight versus ol' Xenu done did it.
The question is, is Iron Man "a combination of science/technology/mechanics"?
Posted 08:36pm 17/8/20
What sort of bandwidth was being used? Are you able to set a max limit?
Posted 10:49pm 17/8/20
Posted 09:19am 18/8/20
Posted 11:09am 18/8/20
edit: just had my first quick little run around. Manhattan ran well on high settings some things turned up to ultra. Can't wait to get all my s*** done today and then really get stuck into it.
Posted 12:25pm 18/8/20
you got 2 petabytes laying around?
Posted 12:51pm 18/8/20
Posted 03:15pm 18/8/20
Posted 05:32pm 18/8/20
Posted 05:39pm 18/8/20
It's on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1250410/Microso ft_Flight_Simulator/
It will download a client that you open and then downloads the game. This is incredibly annoying because it's a big enough resource hog to stop me playing HZD while I wait and will also void your refund because the game will be open longer than two hours.
Grab a Gamepass subscription if you haven't already. $5 a month and Flight Sim is included. You'll need to download off the Microsoft store but due to the annoying download client there isn't much difference anyway.
Posted 11:57am 19/8/20
Thanks for the tip, I'll check out Gamepass. I think I'm gonna wait a bit as I think I might need to upgrade to get the most out of it.
Looks so awesome though.
Posted 08:47am 22/8/20
Posted 12:17pm 22/8/20
Posted 12:59pm 22/8/20
Posted 02:04pm 23/8/20
Handy keyboard shortcut overview
Posted 07:01am 17/9/20
Posted 08:22pm 01/10/20
What kit is everybody rocking these days? My currently setup is:
Honeycomb Alpha Flight Yolk (yoke flying -- using Logitech Extreme 3D Pro for throttle)
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick (stick flying -- still going strong after 15+ years!)
Thrustmaster TMX Pro (via UCR) for rudder pedals/foot break.
My wife doesn't realise that the Honeycomb Bravo Quadrant and Honeycomb Charlie pedals are on the horizon just yet. But I've just bought her some new camera lenses to distract her :P