Valiant Hearts: The Great War is a title that follows five characters as they live out the perilous dangers befallen them in the devastating World War I. In development by a small team at Ubisoft Montpellier, Valiant Hearts will utilise Ubisoft's UbiArt Framework engine to help bring a more comic-like approach to the game. Consisting of a wide variety of colours, players will find themselves moving through various environments reminiscent of the previous wars of our history.
We've enlisted the help of James "Jickle" O'Connor to see just what Valiant Hearts: The Great War offers from the talented Ubisoft team, and just how touching a simple game like Valiant can be.
There has been a large contingency of people asking for a war game in which you don’t pick up and fire a gun, so it’s great that, when it actually happened, we were given a game with this much charm and emotion packed into it.
Check out the
full review of Valiant Hearts: The Great War to read up on James' complete thoughts.