A new trailer has been released from a beta of Legend of Grimrock. Some info:
Legend of Grimrock is a dungeon crawling game inspired by oldschool classics of the genre while still bringing its own twists to the game. The game features survival, combat, magic, puzzles and role-playing elements. The player is a prisoner sentenced to death and exiled to the secluded Mount Grimrock for vile crimes he may or may not have committed. Unbeknownst to his captivators, the mountain is riddled with ancient tunnels and dungeons. The player's mission is to form a team and escape by descending through the mountain, level by level. During the journey the player encounters mysterious puzzles, deadly traps, ancient tombs and horrible monsters left behind by crumbled civilizations long perished now.
This looks amazing. I remember old school dungeon crawlers, like Dungeon Master which I spent many times playing, or even the original Dungeons & Dragons videogame. Just watch the trailer and you'll see what I mean. They hope to have it released by the end of 2011.
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Posted 12:48pm 29/11/11
Posted 01:15pm 29/11/11
Posted 02:37pm 29/11/11
Haha yeah, I read it as "Legend of Grimlock" too
Posted 03:11pm 29/11/11
also D&D is free to play now
Posted 03:32pm 29/11/11
Posted 04:01pm 29/11/11
Posted 04:21pm 29/11/11
Posted 05:48pm 29/11/11
Posted 06:04pm 29/11/11
Posted 11:37pm 29/11/11
It does seem reminiscent of the old D&D games such as EoTB, Menzoberranzan etc.. Though tbh I didn't enjoy those games anywhere near as much as the regular AD&D Gold Box series - now that was gameplay and longevity /rosecolouredglasses
Posted 12:00am 30/11/11
Posted 12:06am 30/11/11
Now watch the transformers movie. Hero and Villain meet then proceed to beat the living f*** out of each other and end up killing one another. Man that transformers movie is still f*****g bad ass. I gotta find a blu-ray copy of it.