While not being available until tomorrow worldwide, Focus Home Interactive has today released a brutal launch trailer that sees the rebellion of the Orcs and Goblins in Of Orcs and Men. With what seems to be all in-game footage, the trailer showcases the very brutal warfare that the Orcs and Goblins are waging against their Human counterparts, and at times even pushing the strenous relationship to the edge.
This trailer unveils further details of the story, universe, and battles of Of Orcs and Men. Persecuted and slaughtered by the Empire of men for decades, the Orcs send their best warriors, the elite unit of the Bloodjaws, on a perilous mission deep into human territory.
While this journey is certainly the most dangerous they will ever undertake, the Bloodjaw Arkaïl and his companion Styx will be able to count on precious yet unexpected help along the way. Discover today's video now and get one last preview of Arkaïl and Styx's quest, before the game releases this week!
Of Orcs and Men will be available on the 11th October for PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360.
Posted 10:40am 10/10/12
I reckon Of Orcs and Men has the potential to either be surprise break out hit or drown miserably from the pre-release hype.
Posted 12:01pm 11/10/12