If you were wondering why today's new system update for the Xbox 360 console was relatively large (90MB) but didn't seem to make any significant changes to the operating system's appearance, it's because there weren't any.
Xbox community figurehead Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb has explained in
a blog post that the update's primary consumer feature is the addition of voice search support for Australian and New Zealand Kinect users.
So presumably, your Xbox console should now be able to process colloquial phrases such as "Oi! Xbox, gis me foxtel ya bum" and "Ay Icksbox, load the most choice game in my tele bro".
According to Major Nelson, the update also contains "Behind the scenes foundational improvement that will not be visually noticeable, but will help enable an easy update this Fall."
As always, the system update can be obtained automatically by connecting to Xbox Live on your console, or download for a manual disc or USB install from
Posted 06:39pm 21/6/12
user input: i been flamin' boosh whacked by jabba an' dee bra boys an' all dem blokes from the underbellies
xbox 360 resp: what in the d***ens, i don't even. would you like me to Bing! that for you serrrr?
suddenly, siri chimes in, out of nowhere: i have a list of 10 of the most useless info's you might never need. still don't wish you had an iphone 4?
probably not even mildly amusing. soz.