Back when Valve first implemented all of that new fancy social networking functionality on the Steam service, we were a little late to the party and some squatters beat us to the AusGamers name. Among all of the holiday season bustle this year, we finally took some steps to remedy this and thanks to the fine folk at Valve, it has been liberated!
We know a lot of our readers use and enjoy Steam, so what better way to hookup with some local and like-minded individuals for gaming good times than joining the
AusGamers Steam group. There's not a whole lot going on there at the moment, but who knows, in the future we just might use it as another platform for some giveaways or maybe even some actual game tournaments! How good would that be?
Whatever the possibilities, they're not going to happen unless we get some recruits happening,
so head over and join us. One of us! One of us!
Posted 07:55pm 09/12/11
Posted 08:04pm 09/12/11
Business as usual ;D
Posted 08:34pm 09/12/11
Posted 08:37pm 09/12/11
My Steam nick swaps between "Thick as 2 Planks" or "Jock Rot". Main games I play are DOD: Source and Red Orchestra 2.
SomeFatBastard was the nick I used in Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Posted 08:43pm 09/12/11
Posted 10:37pm 09/12/11
Posted 10:38pm 09/12/11
Posted 12:55am 10/12/11
Posted 01:07am 10/12/11
And if you consider it stealing to acquire the group license by providing proof of registered trademark to the private company that hosts and administers said group.
Poor form indeed.
Posted 01:24am 10/12/11
Posted 09:34am 10/12/11
Posted 10:01am 10/12/11