Post by KostaAndreadis @ 12:06pm 15/11/16 | 0 Comments
In a rather sly bit of fun, one of the missions in Watch Dogs 2 involves hacking Ubisoft to steal a trailer for an upcoming still-to-be announced sci-fi game. As the fictional version of the publisher in a game created by the real-world Ubisoft, many have wondered if perhaps this trailer could be a glimpse at an actual Ubisoft game. Because hey, it looks pretty cool.
And with its bright, vibrant, sci-fi aesthetic and wonderful acoustic music we're hoping that it is indeed a real game. Although we don't see any traditional gameplay footage, the detailed models and distinct visual style lend themselves to this line of though.
Naturally, Ubisoft are remaining silent for now. But in the meantime you can check out the trailer below.