I've been dreaming about horses. It's not something I've ever been known to do, but ever since Red Dead Redemption, I can't get them out of my head. In saying that though, they haven't always been dreams. Unfortunately I've been plagued by nightmares ever since the first horse I broke in the game - the steed I came to know and love -
broke its neck falling from a cliff. You just can't get that kind of camaraderie buying a three-star stallion from the General Store.
I've been jumping at my own shadow lately. Again, this isn't something I've ever been known to do, and again, it's all Red Dead Redemption's influence. But you can't really blame me, there's nothing quite as jarring to your senses as feeling somewhat confident you're successfully getting the stealth drop on an unsuspecting gang-member, bounty or animal, only to be knocked from your perch by a powerful mountain lion who either puts you to the ground leaving you scrambling to get to your feet and jump into Dead Eye mode to take him out, or plain doesn't let up, smashing you about with his giant paws like some kitten batting a ball of wool, until you're dead.
I've found myself glaring off into the distance lately, even with no sun. Red Dead Redemption's unbelievably realistic day/night and weather system has left me longing for red dawn in the real-world, and so many sheer cliff faces to sit atop my horse on to watch as the sun rises, or sets, depending on my mood. I've also found myself coughing at the imaginary dust I'd be kicking up during a scuffle with a low-life in town attacking a woman, or just the dust trail my horse and I would be leaving behind us as we sped along the Mexican desert in pursuit of the bad-guys, or good guys, depending on which side of the revolutionary fence you're sitting.
I'm beginning to think I might need some help.
If you're a regular AusGamers reader, chances are you're aware of our excitement for this game, and may have even checked out our extensive extended hands-on preview we posted not so long ago, but since then we've been dabbling with the actual review build of the game, and even in the short time between preview and review codes, the game has come along in leaps and bounds.
But before we get too far into the mechanics of the game, let's actually have a quick look at the reasons you're stepping into the spurred boots of one John Marston (don't worry this is actually spoiler-free).
Having rode with a gang some years before, Marston's life was left in turmoil when during a bank robbery he was shot and left for dead by his so-called 'brothers'. He left the gang the day they left him, and instead of taking it personally, he instead tried to put his life behind him by starting a family and retiring his gun in favour of a simple farm life. Unfortunately his past has caught up with him, and he's been rather persuasively asked to help bring an old friend, Bill Williamson, to justice. Thus, reluctantly, Marston has been pulled from his attempt at a normal life and sent to the state of New Austin to find Bill and bring him in.

Most of this is revealed early in the game, but it's an important foundation for the events and gameplay ahead. Marston immediately comes across as the sort of Western hero we've come to know and love from film and literature. He's an amalgam of a number of heroes and anti-heroes throughout history, and his past and present give recourse for players to utilise him in the way they want. You can essentially embrace his violent history, shaping the world around you to fear your very presence, or you can help him cleanse said past with good deeds and a stronger sense of morality. Or, like me, you can maintain a fine balance between the two, truly embodying the anti-hero figure of the West.
As this is a Rockstar game, taking many of its cues from the GTA foundation, a lot of how Red Dead Redemption is both presented and played will be familiar. The same narrative structure is in place; players jumping between minor and major events replete with cut-scenes, voice-acting and driving story moments and arcs, along with options (often forced upon the player) to abandon story-chasing in favour of exploring all the game-world has to offer.
Missions can last anywhere between five minutes and a full 30, depending on their scale, and the further into the game you get, the more complex and time-consuming they become. The missions themselves are quite varied, ranging between roving the land as a farm-hand, saving herds of cattle from a Lemmings-esque end, to winning at a game of liar's dice - taking all of someone's belongings in the process, furthering the questionable machinations of some undesirable you've had the misfortune of meeting.
But in saying all of that, and clinically I might add, it's not nearly as cut and dry. You might very well recognise the above while playing Red Dead Redemption, but the game's organic structure of driving gameplay, and its delivery of narrative both in the backbone story and that of the overall game-world are so subtle, you're bound to be lost in its apparent boundless
It's an important factor, and something I feel is more in-line with the likes of Fallout 3 than anything in the GTA system. Given the foundation for the game's setting, you could be forgiven for thinking it might be a little boring, but believe me, you're going to stop more than once in your travels to your next story or narrative destination - the game-world simply
demands it.
This is not to be taken as a bad thing though. If anything, a game-world this rich in life and emergent gameplay as a result needs to become a sandbox/open-world game benchmark. And when I say 'demand', it's not always specifically the game telling you to look over there, or save that guy's mate from being lynched, or help those lawmen bring down the criminal they're chasing (but can't seem to catch), or give that poor lost lass a lift to town because her horse and cart were attacked by Road Agents, it could be part of your own agenda; something that will further Marston as the sort of character you want him to be, or maybe you just desperately want to collect some BlueBird feathers or Red Sage.
This is the ebb and flow of the game - it's organic because there are tools in place to constantly keep you preoccupied, but you're never tied to them. The decision to engage
anything in Red Dead Redemption is yours and yours alone. But the tools in place are just so engaging and tantalising, you won't be able to resist, even if some of them repeat (there are a few game-world 'missions' you can do multiple times), and this is the beauty of what's at-hand.
I talked in great detail about the game-world ecology and eco-system in my extended preview, and in the final build it's as solid as ever. Hunting Challenges and Survivalist Challenges can actually
be challenging, not just distractions, and they also creep up as a partial mechanic to other missions, forcing you to double up on your collections, but generating even more engagement with the game-world around you. This is also important, because you're going to become intimate with every part of the vast land available to you (there are three main areas), so much so, that the brave even have the option of turning off the mini-map for true visual navigation and that perfect cinematic experience, and I find t hard to believe any
true gunslinger of the West would ever get lost.
And it is cinematic. The scripting here is second-to-none, dwarfing anything the leads at Rockstar have ever written. Red Dead Redemption is brutal, gritty and wearing. The West was not a nice place or time to live in, but they've done a stellar job of making you feel like you need to make the most of it, and the characters you meet throughout your journey are all memorable and in place with the world around you. I found myself
not wanting to finish the game's narrative for fear of finality, it's that engaging.
Finally, as mentioned a little earlier, the review build I've been playing (on PS3), just looks amazing. There has never been a game-world that looks this good before, and there's so much diversity in the available space, it's hard not to get caught up in the scenery. The dynamic weather patterns, lighting and real-world bumps and bruises throughout give the game a unique colour and texture pallet that is ever-changing, meaning you're not only never really seeing the same thing twice, but also experiencing missions and story-sequences differently to anyone else (it's all real-time, unless the game requires a mission to be conducted at a certain time, and even then you're forced to wait the time out).
But it's not all perfect. There are a few issues that ended up creeping into my periphery while playing. For one, there was a lack of serious dynamism. Sometimes, dramatic game-world events just had very little affect on the overall game-world, and while some of these can be broached to re-complete with better times etc for Leaderboards, they detract and somewhat negate the ideal behind the organic flow at-hand (these would have been better served in the robust multiplayer portion). Moreover, the sheer idea that Marston dies as soon as he hits water more than knee deep is really stupid. I get that the idea is to stop anyone attempting to move to any of the other areas in the game ahead of time, but the term 'open-world' carries weight. This could have been better handled with the player dying in rapids after some attempts at swimming against the current or the like. It just seems very poorly bridged in the wake of all the awesome going on here.
By and large though, none of this is game-breaking. The full extent of Rockstar San Diego's vision is so fully realised here, that it's difficult to think they've been sitting on this gold mine for so long. I've actually avoided so much of what makes the game tick because I know that, for me, the true engagement came directly from the actual experience, and so much of all this being thrown at you unawares makes that up. From a reviewer's perspective, this is a blockbuster waiting to happen, but from a gamer's perspective, this is an
experience waiting to happen; an engaging and rich experience rarely found in the multi-billion dollar world of videogaming.
Posted 08:40pm 18/5/10
Posted 08:56pm 18/5/10
Posted 10:05pm 18/5/10
Posted 10:26pm 18/5/10
Posted 10:31pm 18/5/10
Posted 10:43pm 18/5/10
Are they being deliberately secretive about the whole PC release or dont they knwo when it will be?
Posted 10:52pm 18/5/10
Posted 10:59pm 18/5/10
Posted 11:16pm 18/5/10
Posted 11:46pm 18/5/10
They seem to have an 'auto-aim' system, sometimes when i press LT to aim it auto centres on a nearby target, other times i have to free-aim? seems weird.
I did a mission last night, I had to kill a guy off a WANTED poster, so its evening when im riding out of town, middle of the night when i track down his camp, he's set up a camp fire, tent and 3 horses nearby, he's there with 2 sidekicks.
So anyway, I take them all out and i decide to spend a bit of time looking around his camp, looting the corpses etc.
Suddenly out of nowhere 4 lads on horseback come along circling the camp and hollering and they kill me.
Dont know who they were, random bandits? Anyway I did the mission again and looted again etc. and noone came.. which made it even cooler.
Another cool random event i only saw once..
I was walking past a bar and a guy charged out holding a whore by the neck, tackled her to the deck and was screaming obscenities and calling her a f*****g whore and she was begging for her life. It was all happening right in front of me, I decided to save her to I shot him in the back, but he'd already stuck the blade into her ribs 3 or 4 times, there was blood everywhere.
I shot him in the back of the head and he fell forward off the deck and the whore lay there with blood oozing out of her.
They really made it feel like a living breathing world - it didnt have a scripted feel, it felt like its something that just happened.
I've only played 4 hours so who knows, maybe i'll discover this stuff happening again & again and it'll ruin the feel of it? Like with Assassins Creed.
Time will tell.
Posted 12:23am 19/5/10
Main issue i've had with these games (GTA4 specialy) is that they don't FEEL like a real world. You never see anyone get into any problems that you havn't caused. Never see cops chase down other people and arrest them and it just plays out as if the whole city revolves around you. Seems they have tried real hard to fix that in this. Good
Posted 03:17am 19/5/10
Posted 04:03am 19/5/10
d^ we already covered multiplayer in depth, which is linked in the OP, we also couldn't review MP with the review build because we had advance copies, so no one else was available to jump in. But, as I said, in detail, we already took it through its paces
Posted 07:39am 19/5/10
Posted 07:51am 19/5/10
You do see people being pulled over by police and put in the back seat without your interference.
Also most of GTA 4 feels right to me, just like life not much s*** happens people just walk around doing f*** all in most cases.
Posted 08:02am 19/5/10
My point is before that time I was too caught up playing the games story to slow down and pay attention to these things.
Posted 09:06am 19/5/10
True, I was just curious as to whether it would have changed much but if you had an advanced copy that wouldn't count as a final release?
Posted 09:15am 19/5/10
Posted 09:56am 19/5/10
I assume it would still be the final release, but since its not out yet, there wouldn't be anyone online to play it with.
Posted 10:10am 19/5/10
Posted 02:01pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:07pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:24pm 19/5/10
oh.. sorry.
I'll be getting this on the 360 when my uni s*** is over.
Posted 02:25pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:38pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:43pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:47pm 19/5/10
Posted 03:23pm 19/5/10
Its a quote from an article from their next magazine so no doubts completely out of context with whatever point Epic president Mike Capps was trying to say but “It’s because the money’s on console.”
Also Arclore, we get it already. Now show us where on the doll just where the mean console touched you inappropriately and maybe we can all move on with our lives.
Posted 03:47pm 19/5/10
Posted 03:50pm 19/5/10
Posted 05:09pm 19/5/10
Posted 05:44pm 19/5/10
Posted 05:46pm 19/5/10
Posted 05:47pm 19/5/10
Posted 07:01pm 19/5/10
Posted 07:44pm 19/5/10
No need to be bitter.
Posted 07:50pm 19/5/10
Posted 08:51pm 19/5/10
Posted 09:21pm 19/5/10
Posted 02:27pm 20/5/10
Reports of GAME and EB selling it - With the latter throwing down on their twitter feed that "RDR ON SALE NOW!".
Posted 02:54pm 20/5/10
Posted 03:15pm 20/5/10
Posted 03:34pm 20/5/10
I see you take your XBox 360 like you take your men. Do you take your XBox 360 in your ass too?
Posted 03:45pm 20/5/10
Hmm... i'll give that a 6/10...
Should have left out the last sentence and let him draw his own conclusions!
how much @ JB????
Posted 03:57pm 20/5/10
While they don't look vastly different from each other, if this paragraph is true then that is quite a shame.
Guess I will find out tomorrow then. Kind of bored with my PS3 now so i'm gonna sell it since nearly all the games that come out on it, are on 360 as well and usualy run better.
Posted 05:25pm 20/5/10
Can't wait to get my hands on this.
Posted 06:06pm 20/5/10
Posted 06:08pm 20/5/10
Posted 06:11pm 20/5/10
Posted 06:17pm 20/5/10
Posted 07:47pm 20/5/10
Also, for anyone who hasn't got me on XBox Live, my name is Khelzor, probably be hitting up some Red Dead multiplayer sometime soon after I've given the single player a good bash. Hell, even Free Roam multiplayer sounds like a heap of fun in this, with challenges to complete and gang hideouts to attack and stuff.
Posted 07:57pm 20/5/10
Posted 09:25pm 20/5/10
haha,the bus is winnar!
btw my xbox tag is RiverBiz,add me
I'll be keen for some MP once im through with the sp.
Posted 09:26pm 20/5/10
On a totally unrelated subject how much you reckon I should put on my PS3? 60gb fatty, 1 controller, 11 games, 2 movies and a hori real arcade pro 3 stick?
Posted 09:29pm 20/5/10
Posted 09:45pm 20/5/10
last edited by DM at 21:45:20 20/May/10
Posted 07:04am 21/5/10
Posted 07:43am 21/5/10
Posted 08:44am 21/5/10
GTA is great, but the formula is really old, and if this is essentially GTA in a new environment, then I don't see how on earth it could get a 9.5
That being said, I have only played it for about an hour, so I will play it over the weekend, hoping for something different.
Posted 08:47am 21/5/10
Will try again tonight.
Posted 08:52am 21/5/10
pls tell me this game gets better
Posted 09:48am 21/5/10
the second fkn mission is a horse race. *sigh*
Posted 10:02am 21/5/10
Posted 10:09am 21/5/10
1. Did ausgamers get contacted?
2. If you were already in the process of writing a very positive review (ie; this one), would you accept their gift since it would make no difference?
I'd think of it as bribing a police officer to arrest a serial killer :P
Posted 10:20am 21/5/10
So far I'm loving it, far more than I did GTA4, there seems to be way more variation in the stuff you can do and way more unique random stuff that just happens in the world, plus its just awesome cos its a western. And I even heard a guy call someone a c*********.
The poker is pretty fun, I ended up playing till I busted all the other people but it was only the small stakes cheap-ass poker at the ranch so I only won like $50.
I pretty much lost track of time though, just riding around out in the wilderness, exploring stuff, finding gang hideouts and taking them down, rescuing random people on the side of the road who were being chased by coyotes or attached by bandits, hunting and skinning wild animals, collecting herbs and s*** for the survivalist challenges. I was planning on going to bed about 12 and when I looked at the clock it was suddenly 2am.
Already done so much and yet I feel like I've only just scratched the surface, this is a pretty epic game.
I like that all your challenges and stuff are properly tracked now. I'm not really a fan of the "Theres random stuff hidden throughout the game, go check every nook and cranny till you find it" type of thing like GTA4 did, I like how in Red Dead you get a bit more direction, whether its random missions from strangers or challenges or building outfits or finding treasure. I also like how you can buy maps that instantly explore sections of overall map and mark all the hideouts and landmarks, as well as the survivalist maps that can show you where the herbs and stuff are. I really like the secrets maps in Arkham Asylum, and these remind me of that; it doesn't serve the secrets up to you on a silver platter, but it does make your job a little easier.
Posted 11:46am 21/5/10
Also, it has the same retarded knock people over when you barely touch them "physics" that Gta4 had. An example: I helped a cop round up some escaped bandids while on horseback, and when I went to return the prisoners, i accidently nudged the cop with my horse. Next thing I know I have a bounty on my head and 50 federalis chasing my dumb ass.
Posted 04:13pm 21/5/10
Also the piano player in some saloon seemed to stand up on his seat, turn around 360 degrees and then sit back down again. wtf?
Some cool bits: I was just walking around a town at night after a few drinks in the bar and all of a sudden I hear guns going off and thought there was a shootout in some bar somewhere or something. So as I'm looking around for it, this gang of dudes appear out of no where on horses, riding down the main street shooting their guns in the air and theres people running and screeming. So I preceded to quick draw and shoot them all off their horses while copping a few shots myself and then looted em while earning thanks from the townfolk. Since it all happened outside a saloon, I ducked in after the shootout and had a few drinks and played some poker. I ended up beating all 3 guys at the table and made a cool $140. After this I headed back out and funnily enough it was about midday (long poker game).
Outside I noticed the dead bodies of the gang members were still there on the ground where I had shot them the previous night and a preacher was standing there saying a few oaths to the townfolk. Of course I whistled for my horse, mounted up. Gave a last gaze over the place, shot the preacher in the head in front of everyone and slowely rode my horse out of town.
last edited by arclore at 16:13:21 21/May/10
Posted 04:14pm 21/5/10
As you do.
Posted 04:14pm 21/5/10
Posted 05:07pm 21/5/10
Ill be on later tonight if anyones keen from some multiplayer
Posted 05:48pm 21/5/10
Posted 08:46pm 21/5/10
Posted 10:09pm 21/5/10
Posted 01:29am 22/5/10
- The game is slower paced than GTA4 that's for sure but much more satisfying to me. I've never thought to myself yet "ffs hurry up already" when doing something.
- Bounty hunter side missions are quite fun. Capturing people is awesome and specialy how the gangs follow you trying to kill you on your way back to jail.
- I got the ps3 version and while there are a few framerate bugs when entering town and such, i've not noticed any serious issues.
- Love the characters. Getting really into watching the cutscenes now. Also like how you keep your outfit while the scenes are playing... with the exception of the bandana mask thing. That vanishes T_T during them. Gay.
- Been killed quite a few times oddly enough. People asking you to camp with them then opening fire when you slow down/dismount, or asking you to help them then getting raped by 5 other burly men.
- Law isn't all that smart. I went on a small spree killing 19 law officers, 21 civilians, stole 1 horse and then killed it and all I got was a $1950 bounty and few days in jail. Soon as your out of sight of the police they totally forget about you until you do something bad again. In such a tiny town, the second you step foot in there they should go bat s*** insane trying to kill you or arrest you.
All in all very satisfying game to me and glad I got it.
Posted 01:33am 22/5/10
I'm sure the story should be a welcome change from the regular gta experience though
Posted 02:43am 22/5/10
True, but that would also probably make for pretty annoying gameplay. I guess in this instance they choose fun gameplay trying to simulate what would really happen (which imo is the way game design should always be).
I have been killed a fair bit too, and death seems a lot harsher too, no coming back to life, its just load your last save. Really sucked when I'd been out in the wilderness just riding around doing random s***, collecting skins and herbs and helping random people, but hadn't triggered an autosave for ages and hadn't saved manually, then I just get randomly faceraped by a mountain lion. I heard it roar, and turned around just in time to see it jump at me and eat my face, then it was reload my last save and lose all the s*** I'd been working to collect :(
I like it though, it makes things feel a bit more meaningful, in GTA4 I didn't really care if I acted like a jerkoff and went on a random killing spree and then ended up getting killed by the cops, cos I'd just come back at the hospital with all my s*** and be good as new.
I do love the bandana though, for those times you just want to do something nasty but don't want to ruin your good reputation, accept no substitute.
Also, I just found out tonight, you can ride alongside the train on your horse, and then jump from your horse onto the train while its in motion. So awesome.
Anyone know if its possible to rob banks and stuff? I've tried robbing the general store, robbing a bank, robbing people on the train, by holding my gun on them, and my character usually yells something like "WHERES THE MONEY", but then the guy I'm aiming at usually just cowers in a trembling heap on the floor or runs away screaming.
Posted 09:16am 22/5/10
Posted 10:17am 22/5/10
Shouldn't you reward (in this case) BigW for having the best price by buying from them?
Posted 10:35am 22/5/10
Posted 10:39am 22/5/10
Posted 01:04pm 22/5/10
Posted 01:28pm 22/5/10
Usualy when it comes to games, console aiming is utter s***e and hard as hell to use. They have actually fixed that pretty well in this I think. The small range auto lock on featurey thing they put in works brilliantly and its so easy to pull off headshots. A mouse would still be better but you certianly don't need 1 of those fragenstein mice to have fun with this.
Posted 01:30pm 22/5/10
Posted 01:39pm 22/5/10
Same goes for the other things that came with the limited edition.
Posted 01:42pm 22/5/10
last edited by DM at 13:42:45 22/May/10
Posted 04:14pm 22/5/10
Posted 04:20pm 22/5/10
Posted 05:39pm 22/5/10
Who's been slogging it out in MP? I think it's possibly the most ambitious console-based MP ever, and they've done a stellar job.
Thinking about organising AusGamers posses - would anyone be interested in playdates on 360 or PS3 for some MP action?
Posted 05:48pm 22/5/10
Posted 05:49pm 22/5/10
Posted 12:45am 23/5/10
Posted 01:40am 23/5/10
It would be even better if there was a "twirl moustache" button.
Posted 10:34am 23/5/10
Posted 11:52am 23/5/10
Posted 11:58am 23/5/10
Posted 12:11pm 23/5/10
Although I am interested in if people think Red Dead is better then SC2 (at least compared to the beta).
Posted 12:30pm 23/5/10
If you want a dose of top notch RTS, get starcraft, if you want a dose of top notch open world third person action with a western flair, get red dead.
Posted 12:48pm 23/5/10
Still if you could only have 1 and you liked the genera of both games equally, which would be the winner. I'm hearing very very good things about Red Dead, my favorite GTA game was GTA San Andreas, is the openness of the world of Red Dead at least as good as that or better?
edit: Also I'm getting Red Dead and Starcraft later, just that I want to know how much people like Red Dead, what DON'T you like about it?
Posted 12:53pm 23/5/10
That beings said I would buy SC2. The longevity is there, I will be playing SC2 for years to come, with Red Dead, probably a few weeks.
Posted 12:58pm 23/5/10
Posted 01:05pm 23/5/10
Posted 01:08pm 23/5/10
lots of different things to do, hunting animals, catching guys off wanted posters, doin the missions, races.. its pretty fun and doesnt seem to get that same repetitive boringness that other games get, like assassins creed
Posted 01:14pm 23/5/10
Posted 01:30pm 23/5/10
Posted 01:50pm 23/5/10
Posted 01:59pm 23/5/10
Posted 02:07pm 23/5/10
Posted 02:18pm 23/5/10
Because mate, Big W released the game on the 21st, and I wanted it the day before. Couldn't wait the extra day, I didn't have time to go to the shops on the 21st. EB released on the 20th.
So i can get the game i want at the price im willing to pay.
Is that a good enough reason?
Does it make things less confusing?
Posted 04:00pm 23/5/10
Posted 04:03pm 23/5/10
Posted 04:09pm 23/5/10
Posted 04:27pm 23/5/10
Posted 04:41pm 23/5/10
yeah i think i was lucky in that regard, i went to the kid in the store and avoided the manager :D
Posted 06:24pm 23/5/10
19... Hit me... 20... Hit me... 21... Hit me... 22... D'oh!
Posted 06:59pm 23/5/10
Posted 07:04pm 23/5/10
Posted 07:15pm 23/5/10
I only bothered with it a couple of times though, cos it never actually gave me an advantage, the extra card I took from the bottom of the deck was never any good.
Posted 07:50pm 25/5/10
Bird People
The incredible Donkey Lady
EDIT - another from the same guys as the last 2. Laughed hard when he said "haters gonna hate"
last edited by DM at 19:50:52 25/May/10
Posted 06:13pm 12/6/10
Posted 06:46pm 12/6/10
also, i shot up all of bronnies homestead and was about to go into her house when someone i missed started shooting at me.
i then shot him and moved forward at the same time triggering the next cut scene where bronnie is talking all nice to me. even though i had just slaughtered all her kin.
Posted 07:32pm 12/6/10
been good so far
the aiming is a bit gumby but i'll have to get used to it
Posted 07:37pm 12/6/10
oh ps3, insta fail.
Posted 08:23pm 12/6/10
So it's a conslol fail
It made me remember why i'd never buy a fps game on it
But it's not that bigger deal for this type of game
Posted 09:22am 13/6/10
i have no dramas with either.
gotta set that sensitivity right up and have the skillz :)
Posted 09:30am 13/6/10
Weren't the GTA4 episodes xbox exclusive as well? Dunno how trustworthy they can be to keep word.
Posted 11:28am 13/6/10
That aside I'm liking the game at the moment, by the end of today the controls hopefully will stop pissing me off.
Posted 11:38am 13/6/10
Took me a while to get use to, but is sooo much better.
Posted 12:53pm 13/6/10
sorry but that's how it is, it's not an opinion it's fact
the fact they have to cut down the number of enemies compared to the pc version tells you something (i'm talking about cod4 here)
Posted 02:09pm 13/6/10
Posted 02:36pm 13/6/10
Posted 02:42pm 13/6/10
Not denying it, i was refering to fact that movement in generally with the sticks is slower, cause most console games has the sensitivity set to noobness. infact i dont know anyone other then myself that changes the sensitivity all the way up before playing.
With a higher sensitivity you also lose some accuracy, but not enough to worry about it, most console games have an auto hit feature built in and being 100% accurate isn't required (even turning the auto aim function off i find its still there just not as bad)
Posted 02:59pm 13/6/10
Posted 03:13pm 13/6/10
Anyone who complains about the lack of mouse on a console game is a tard and is doing it wrong
Posted 03:59pm 13/6/10
And trying to aim with a mouse vs my real VR gun on my holodeck is just gumby. Doesn't make mouse looking s***, just different :)
Posted 04:07pm 13/6/10
Posted 05:09pm 13/6/10
That's what someone who doesn't own a holodeck would say.
Actually, it's correct. It's a quote, last I checked you don't correct grammar when directly quoting someone.
Posted 06:07pm 13/6/10
I'm going to say it one more time, HOLODECK. Yes dude, I really own a holodeck, I got it from the SS Enterprise. This is all trufax.
Last I checked it was bad form to WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA up over a joke enough to cry about someones signature.
Posted 06:11pm 13/6/10
This just makes it worse imo, enemies that stand still giving you the chance to slooooowly move your cursor over them, huge amounts of health so you stay alive while doing this etc.
Posted 07:14pm 13/6/10
i've used a gun on time crisis as has i'm sure most people here, might not be as fancy as your gun but the human mechanics of using a gun are still the same
and i can confirm that i would still dominate you
if not purely because you can't f*****g move anywhere while you have a gun in your hand unless you're playing time crisis or house of the dead or something
Posted 12:21am 14/6/10
Posted 01:49am 14/6/10
Posted 02:51am 14/6/10
It's a different ballpark. If you feel like chillin' out and yelling at people while sitting back in your lounge with a wireless controller consoles rock. If you feel like getting serious then PC's. It's not a worse then/better then thing, it's just a different thing.
Posted 08:21am 14/6/10
fps and rts games are for the pc
rpg, car racing and fighting games are for the console
i just bought a ps3 on the weekend, i'm getting ok at the aiming in red dead enough that it doesn't bother me that much anymore but i've played GTA on the pc and it's just so much easier to aim.
red dead in HD on a sony 46" bravia is pretty hot
Posted 09:00am 14/6/10
you know you can get peripherals like wheels and joysticks for pcs hay?
ps3 is fail
Posted 09:27am 14/6/10
i don't use steering wheels for car racing games, just the controller
sorry but you're on your own with that one i think davey
Posted 09:38am 14/6/10
I've got my PC steering wheel right here, it also works on my ps3. Dirt 2 and NFS Shift are loads better on PC imo.
Plus anyone with arcade joysticks would disagree with you on the mortal kombat call. Loads of people out there with their own MAME cabinets.
Posted 10:21am 14/6/10
Clearly anyone who can't grasp how to use a controller and pwn is a noob.
Posted 11:00am 14/6/10
a mouse just works better and so much easier and you don't need auto aim
without the auto aim you wouldn't be pwning
Posted 11:10am 14/6/10
Posted 01:52pm 14/6/10
if we were talking about playing pc games online with the choice of a keyboard and mouse vs a controller.. well clearly.. you would pick the most precise tool for the job...
but we aren't talking about that..
your whinge is lame and makes no sense, infact anyone who claims that keyboard and mouse is better for gaming over what ever else is lame, you use what your given as the games are made for controller available... the only exception to this is super smash brothers brawl.. soo much better with game cube controller over a wii controller.
Posted 02:58pm 14/6/10
i maintain my division of the types of games i'll get for pc and conslol
Posted 03:00pm 14/6/10
Posted 03:08pm 14/6/10
Posted 03:11pm 14/6/10
Well that's just personal opinion, but fair enough.
Id probably play all online fps at my pc, if it wasn't for the fact that there are some decent ones exclusively on consoles.
Posted 03:49pm 14/6/10
Anyway, I've never claimed a controller is a better interface, far from it, when it comes to multiplayer FPS games I'm exclusively a PC player. I play TF2 daily. But when it comes to single player experiences, console all the way, those games a designed for consoles and take advantage of that controller, gameplay is tuned for that controller specifically.
So anyone complaining about controllers just needs to suck it up and either shut the f*** up and not play the f*****g game to start with if you're so precious about a mouse and keyboard or stop being such an unco monkey and learn how to use more than one input device.
Posted 03:51pm 14/6/10
Can you not enjoy console games with a controller, but prefer mouse/keyboard?
Posted 04:47pm 14/6/10
Also, I can't believe this argument is still going, you realise nobody can ever win this right?
Posted 04:50pm 14/6/10
Posted 05:33pm 14/6/10
Posted 06:13pm 14/6/10
Posted 06:13pm 14/6/10
Posted 06:18pm 14/6/10
Posted 06:24pm 14/6/10
Posted 06:41pm 14/6/10
i've done a fair bit of stuff and feel like i've barely scratched the surface, there is so much random stuff you can do outside of the game missions, and i like how it's all god a bit more direction when you want to do missions while still giving you the option of going off and doing whatever you want
Posted 06:53pm 14/6/10
Also, ZP reviews aren't ever positive, but I don't think they're meant to be. About the closests you're going to get to a positive review is "This game is absolutely awesome, but here are all the niggling bits where the developers have screwed up".