The latest pay-what-you-want Humble Bundle offering is a collection of web games, but don't stop reading just yet, as this isn't just a handful of flash games, but full featured and highly regarded indie games that have been retooled for asm.js and WEB-GL compatibility, the same HTML5 hooks that Epic Games used to get its Unreal Engine running plugin-free in a web browser.
Big name indie games playable right in your browser! No more plug-ins. No more installers. Pure gaming goodness is now accessible straight from the browser you already use. Pay what you want for full-fledged indie games you can play right now: Super Hexagon, AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome, Osmos, Zen Bound 2 and Dustforce DX. If you pay more than the average price, you'll also get Voxatron and FTL: Faster Than Light Advanced Edition. Those who pay $8 or more will receive all of the above plus Democracy 3. Select soundtracks are available, too!
Play in your browser, download DRM-free or redeem on Steam. All games in this bundle are available to play in your browser. These games play best on the latest version of Firefox but will also work on Chrome version 28 and higher or Firefox version 22 and higher. Other browsers capable of executing JavaScript or mobile browsers may also work but are not guaranteed. For maximum compatibility, please use the latest version of Firefox or Chrome.
Head over to for a free preview and buy in for as little as US$1.