Greg Johnson, creator of the weird and wacky Sega Genesis title Toejam & Earl, has revealed his latest creation, Doki-Doki Universe for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita via the
PlayStation Blog.
In development by studio HumaNature (not to be confused with Human Nature), Doki-Doki Universe has been described by Johnson as an "RPG/Simulation/Interactive Story game," which will be available in the form of a free download and consist of "a light version of the game where players can fly around a Universe and take fun personality quizzes."
In Doki-Doki Universe, you’re a robot named Model QT377665, or QT3 for short (QT – get it?). Your human family said to wait here on this asteroid, and they would be right back to get you.
That was 11,432 days ago. Bummer.
To make matters worse, an alien that looks like a green hot-dog, named Alien Jeff, finds you and gives you some bad news: It turns out your model is getting recalled and scrapped, because you apparently don’t have enough “humanity”… whatever that is.
The free game will also include the Doki-Doki Mail messaging app, which will also be available on mobile platforms, allowing for cross-platform chat. Those looking for the full game will be able to purchase it separately.