The official World of Warcraft blog has
the details of the patch 4.2 hotfixes that they've recently rolled out. As always it is a big list so check out the page for the full story, but here's a snippet:
- General
- Balloon pets can no longer be sold to vendors.
- Flight points in Outlands should correctly display for characters created after the release of patch 4.2.
- Classes
- Melee auto-attacks should properly trigger trinkets.
- Druids
- Primal Fury is correctly triggered when Rake gets a critical hit, and is putting an extra combo point on the target.
- Starfall should no longer strike targets with which the druid is not in combat.
- Hunters
- Burning Adrenaline is properly removing the focus cost of Arcane Shot.
- Rogues
- Mutilate should now properly trigger trinkets.
- Warriors
- Deep Wounds should no longer incorrectly apply double damage when certain buffs are present on the warrior.
Also in WoW news, Develop
noticed in a recent Activision Blizzard meeting with investors they revealed that the MMO has dropped around 300,000 subscribers in the period between May and July, which they believe due to the increasing ability of players to get through new content.
Posted 01:28pm 06/8/11
That's one take on what they said, the other is "we didn't create enough content".
There are currently 2 heroic instances to do, and 2 is not enough and this is compounded by the fact that they are rehashes of old content and they have the same basic graphics and mob set.
Posted 02:07pm 06/8/11
Posted 03:34pm 06/8/11
Well, that's why they are failing at keeping people, they still haven't recognised the actual issue, because that certainly isn't it.
Like obes said there simply isn't enough content for endgame players atm, there's just an illusion that there is.
also, some of the recent balance changes they made to FL and the Zul Heroics have turned the places into an absolute joke. I know nerfs are a part of the game, but f*** they were some heavy nerfs on some of those bosses. Ryolith is now f*****g trivial.
Edit* - Oh and thanks blizzard, for continuing to let Rogues, the only pure DPS class in the game sit behind feral druids ffs.
Posted 03:38pm 06/8/11
LOL no.
That's what happens when you destroy the hardcore (albeit grindfest) part of the community. That .1% of players that 75% of the other players aspire to be.
Once you lose your hardcores your casuals will follow later ... because the hardcores are bored ... the casuals eventually will be bored, it'll just take a little while.
Posted 03:44pm 06/8/11
Posted 04:33pm 06/8/11
but im still a fairly new player so im still enjoying the proccess of leveling and playing the game, but i have noticed a slump in the number of people playing now...
Posted 05:07pm 06/8/11
Now it seems its just nerfed to crap to cater for the masses, no challenges and nearly everyone you group with outside of friends & guilds is an utter d***wad.
Posted 05:49pm 06/8/11
More like the game is s*** now. Oh also to the people saying "yer people quit because the content is too easy...
There's only 1 boss over 10%, 2 bosses over 5%.. so 95% of the PvE clans haven't cleared heroics. From what i heard the re-hash of ZF isn't even worthy of been really called a heroic either.
I find it amusing that the people who have cleared the normal mode instance think they've cleared all the content.. normal mode is a joke most decent clans clear it in 2-3 raid nights the first week. Heroic is where it's hard, at least it was when i played and based off those stats from progress sites it's still the case.
last edited by Raider at 17:49:34 06/Aug/11
Posted 06:00pm 06/8/11
I think the overall cause is just how boring WoW is now. It's the same trick and pony we've seen for nearly 8 or so years. And blizzard either refuse to change anything dramatically or they've pushed their good developers onto Titan.
Posted 06:37pm 06/8/11
I dunno how anyone could claim they've cleared the content when all they've done is normal modes. I mean, heroic Rag has a whole extra phase added on it, when you beat him on normal mode you don't even kill him, you gotta do heroic to see the whole fight.
But I agree, they didn't deliver as much raid content with this patch as they have in the past. They delivered a TONNE of content in Cataclysm when it launched, so I dunno how people are coming to the conclusion that it was lacking in content at launch, but the 4.2 patch is definitely a bit slim. But then they added that whole Firelands daily area so I guess that took up the rest of the development time.
Still, I think the subscription numbers dropping is just cos people are moving on, its just the natural ebb and flow of it imo. I mean, the content they're delivering now is still way better than some of the s*** they shoveled out during Wrath of the Lich King (ToC, I'm looking at you here). Numbers go up, numbers go down, you can't explain that.
Posted 06:47pm 06/8/11
Posted 07:50pm 06/8/11
Posted 08:39pm 06/8/11
Posted 11:07am 07/8/11
Edit: Realised i forgot a bracket so the quote didn't come through. Funny.I wasn't speaking to above/below at all. I was meaning Khel. But with my terrible HTML i maneged to lose context
Posted 09:06pm 06/8/11
How many dailies did you see in vanilla? Fk all.. how many raids? mc / zf / bwl / naxx / azuregos / kazzak .. brs / ubrs before the instance limit etc.
BC had more dailies but not to the fkn extent that they have now and they still had ssc / tk / gruul / mag / world bosses the moment u could start raiding which were actually difficult unlike the joke of cata instances when u first got there.
These days they release a new raid which is cleared in 1-2 days, then mind numbing rinse and repeat heroics until you have the gear, get the strat perfect or they nerf it for the whinging casuals.
Posted 09:09pm 06/8/11
There are 4 "Pure DPS" classes in the game. Mages, Warlocks, Hunters and Rogues.
And I don't know what game you're playing but Rogues do better DPS than Feral Druids. Maybe you have a crappy Rogue and a good Feral Druid?
Posted 09:13pm 06/8/11
The game is just old. Back when WoW was first released it was still a decent RPG even without the MMO part but now it's dated heavily, with most modern RPG's moving past the focus on leveling and gear and more on character development based on choices the player makes.
I think the social aspect is probably also a major factor, I know when I was playing people were always claiming they play mostly just to hang out with others online. I don't think Blizzard has done enough to really harness the social aspect of their MMO and as a result people are probably finding it just easier to stay in touch on facebook or carrier pigeon.
Posted 09:23pm 06/8/11
I think the major reason people are jumping ship in WoW is, as I stated above, it's just getting old and boring. I've been playing in the world of Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend for 7 years now. I've seen it all. I've raided until 4am in the morning with Australians and Americans. I've done my hardcore raids and my casual raids. It's just people like me are now turning around and saying, "well, what's there to do now?"
Posted 12:07am 07/8/11
what obes said, the 5man stuff which is what most of the playerbase does, is really bad at the moment. I think the way they introduced those 2 zandalari dungeons was great, but by now, they should be back in the regular rotation with the rest of them, with some re-itemisation across the lot of them to equalise them out a bit. plus, there should also be more new ones by now, along the lines of the icc 5mans in wotlk
as for raid content - it's a complete myth that people are getting through it more easily, other than the top end of players. clearing a raid on normal (which the vast majority haven't even done for firelands yet anyway) is nothing, it's a slight stepping stone to doing them on heroic, which hardly anyone has done yet
and of course the geared guilds went in and cleared it on normal the first week - i372 gear from t11 heroic modes made it mostly laughable cos normal mode is designed for 353/359
Posted 02:04am 07/8/11
I haven't played since about January though. Got very bored with the 5 man heroics and had no more factions to get rep with. During wrath I played to raid and only did each raid on normal but raiding was easier thus consuming less time. When I played cata I was able to raid a little but didn't have the time nor was able to meet commitments that the serious guilds needed for members. I did some of the first few bosses in bwd but that was all I was able to do as PUGS never succeeded that much.
Then I spent most of my time playing doing the heroic achievments and getting all the faction rep. Once I had done that I was bored. I really didn't want to go back and do it all again either with my other lvl 80's as I just really cbf grinding out the same quests again to get to 85. I just think overall WOW is still a great game but I don't find the end game content to be satisfying for people who didn't have the time for hard core raiding. I preferred the wrath model where raiding was easier, I know it gives less challenge to the hardcore players but at least you got to do the last boss in every raid and experience it. Killing lich and watching the video was awesome.
Posted 02:18am 07/8/11
I probably should have said melee, and we have 2 great ones of each class, and the druid tops the rogue regularly. more so in the fights with plentiful adds obviously thanks to swipe but even a single mob dps race standing still he f*****g owns, it's crazy, I keep waiting to see a nerf but all I see is more buffs every patch/hotfix
Posted 03:09am 07/8/11
They ruined wrath with this. Back in BC, you'd do Kara, then progress onto the next tier, then the next and it was always there and you had to go through it.
Nowadays, you pretty much never need to go into old raids. (Seriously, who went back to naxx / ulduar / totc when the next tier came out? No point besides the lols).
Posted 04:32am 07/8/11
actually it is funny, I laugh in surprise just about every kill when the bosses die so easily in our alt raids with pugs/newby guildies/baddies doing everything wrong
Posted 08:46am 07/8/11
Posted 11:04am 07/8/11
Posted 11:10am 07/8/11
Sorry guy, i meant to reply to khel, my quote from him didn't work because i used the html wrong..
But as an aside, they weren't called dailies in vanilla, you just went through instances to complete quests, build fire resist and shadow resist from random drops to fill the slots you couldn't get items from patterns. Raiding then was about reliving cleared content to build your sets of equipment to make raiding easier.
Im impartial to if it's better or worse, really. I just think a lot of wow people complain. Mostly because the underlying problem is they feel like they're achieving something in a game, but hate to realise it's all lost the day you quit.
Posted 08:23pm 08/8/11
Posted 08:51pm 08/8/11
If you can't see the new mechanics in the T11 fights, then I don't know what you were expecting. The conclave in Throne of Four Winds was an awesome fight and something new, BWD was full of fights with new mechanics like chaining down Magmaw or keeping people healed above 10k in Chimaeron, or the whole sound thing in Atramedes, and then Nefarian was just epic. BoT was probably a bit less original, but I still found the fights in there to be pretty cool (well, except Halfus, hated that fight), and Cho'gall was a really fun fight.
Having said that, I can understand people getting sick of it and quitting, the game is 7 years old now, and its still burdened with a lot of the baggage of its 7 year old engine and design. But thats not really the fault of the raid encounters, thats just people getting tired of the game in general, I mean the underlying mechanics aren't going to radically change, so once you're sick of that, then you're done. The raid encounters so far though are, imo, some of the best and most interesting and most original stuff Blizzard has done. And while this current tier of raiding might be a bit short, the fights in it are no less innovative and full of new mechanics. Like riding the webs on Beth'tilac, or flying on Alysrazor or steering Ryolith, I've been pretty impressed by the quality of the encounters so far, I just wish there was more of them.
Posted 02:18pm 09/8/11
You mean me Jim don't you, just because I didnt have an offhand item equipped for a week.
Jim is right though, I missed most of the new content in a fail guild, then went to RIFT, came back, saw it all in 1 4 hour night and it was so easy we lost our tank and skill killed bosses from 80% with DPS and healers tanking.
Posted 03:11pm 09/8/11
we've done a few of those t11 steamroll runs lately with new apps or social members and it really has been nerfed down to the point where it feels easier than the troll 5mans. which is good I spose, cos it means the general population/pugs will get to kill omnitron and go up against the elevator boss
Posted 02:07am 10/8/11
Was nice to be the 1st server in the world to open it.
Also, still playing semi casual. Kinda stuck on Rags Normal mode is getting annoying. I think we have wiped about close to 150 times on him now.
I do agree they have made the game to "easy" in general. The re-doing of all the quests is just stoopid.
No keys needed any more, no faction needed just give everyone a level 85 char with purples and make no one play the game. Problem solvered!
I did hear 4.3 will be the biggest content patch since sunwell.
Kinda looking foward to that letdown too :P
Posted 02:10am 10/8/11
it was so much more fun in SSC!
Posted 02:25am 10/8/11
Don't miss having to farm resistance gear though, that was an annoying way to gate content.
Posted 07:59am 10/8/11
You actually had to (sort of) concentrate at the start of cata even with heroics. Unlike wrath, therefore wrath babies quit. At the start of cata the amounting of whining in herioc pugs was unbelievable. There was a rage quit for every 5 man pug. Wasn't like this in wrath...(well no where as bad)
People saying the game should be hard to keep the hardcores are wrong. People enjoy facerolling and winning. People like to feel almighty and powerful with their character.
TBH I loved jumping on wow in wrath, pugging lich king raid for a couple of hours. With the start of cata, pugging was impossible, even for some heroics
Not sure which direction the game has gone now as I haven’t played it since the launch of cata.
Posted 08:09am 10/8/11
it's a very predictable execution-based encounter right up until the pooballs, and even those aren't really that bad to deal with
heh for who? people with no computer? I'll admit they weren't a faceroll the first time you ran them, but they were the complete opposite of impossible and definitely became facerolls after a couple of times doing them, even before their first nerf in december or whenever it was
Posted 08:28am 10/8/11
Did you try running them with a pug group? Always 1 or 2 retards who couldn't work out the mechanics of a boss. Dps running into mobs and dying, tank rage quitting because healer was "s***", etc etc
TBH they were a lot of fun with an organised/friends group. Best heroic mechanics/boss fights I had seen thus far. But with a pug, they were a nightmare. Two of my friends who played throughout wrath quit shortly after cata released because they couldn't stand the retards and wernt use to constant failing (Both are wrath babies)
I quit soon after as I had no one to play with lol
Posted 08:28am 10/8/11
Summary of top three Deaths
Lava Wave 14
Engulfing Flames 14
Sulfurus Smash 5
But these deaths are usually caused to wipe it quickly.
Trap -> Fall Damage
Trap -> Melee
Lava Wave
Knocked into trap
Molten Inferno
Engulfing Flames
Lava Wave
Engulfing Flames
Engulfing Flames
Lava Wave
Trap -> Melee
Engulfing Flames
Sulfurus Smash
Melee/Burning Wound
Sulfurus Smash
Molten Inferno
Engulfing Flames
Molten Elemental
Trap -> Fall Damage
Lava Wave
Lava Wave
Engulfing Flames
These were just an hour of attempts we through in coz we all had some spare time.
All other bosses we 1 shot without any problems what so ever.
But wipeing for stupid reasons is funny too, our hunter's and shammy's that cant drive "Lord Ryloth" for s***. :P
Been logging all fights with rags to come up with a reason.
After reportedly dieing for stupid reasons, we can "just" make it to phaze 3.
Will try him again on the weekend, I'm on a low pop server, got sick of proudmoore with how flooded with young d*******s and no PVP (getting ganked or ganking is half the fun, kind of a small adrenalin rush).
Posted 09:08am 10/8/11
I don't mean to sound like a typical wow warrior, but your raid has some really really bad players if people are dying to lava waves and engulfing flames. they both have very reliable timers (at least in bigwigs they do, I haven't tried dbm or dxe on this fight), and both have massive visual cues
and actually being hit by a sulfurus smash... are these people looking at their screen while playing? :)
Trap -> Fall Damage: do you have a class that can avoid falling damage from the traps? we've used a mage and a warlock so far, noone ever dies from traps
Trap -> Melee: not sure what you mean by this one - setting off a trap killing a melee class? maybe the person setting off the traps isn't watching the hand of ragnaros timer, causing melee to take trap damage too close to hand of ragnaros before they can be healed up?
Lava Wave: not much to be said here... situational awareness, pay attention to boss mod timers at the very least, then when the next one is due, be in a position where the waves don't hit you. their direction is 100% predictable
Knocked into trap: don't stand between a trap and the boss, or too close to a trap for wrath of ragnaros, and stay 6 yards away from other players
Engulfing Flames: not much to be said here - watch timer, look for massive fire visual on ground, get out of it right away
I thought your issues would've been more about sons of ragnaros getting back to sulfuras and wiping you, or maybe the second set of molten seeds where you have seeds following by engulfing flames then a sulfuras smash right after. all the stuff you've listed there is just basic don't-stand-in-fire stuff. which I guess may or may not be hard to overcome depending on your players ability to improve from mistakes :)
here's our first rag kill video from a few weeks back, apart from the spriest who fraps'd it standing in fire and dying it's a reasonably clean kill
my toon is the resto shaman in there, we used 3 healers but it's so cruisy, you only need two or probably even one healer could do it if everything went well execution-wise
Posted 09:28am 10/8/11
The biggest sticking points for us are exactly what Jim said, sons of flame making it back to sulfuras, and bad placement of the seeds in phase 2. Got that pretty much sorted now and almost got him down on Sunday, should have him this week.
Posted 10:04am 10/8/11
yeh absolutely. I prefer guildies of course but I still often pug 5mans
and yeh I used to see what you described all the time. I just use the kick tool or explain the fight to the person and progress on. maybe we just have different ideas of what impossible means :)
Posted 10:19am 10/8/11
(ps: normal fights sure look easy!)
Posted 10:36am 10/8/11
Went into Arena with my Blue Geared early Cata PVP gear I made on my Ret Pally, with my brother on his Season 10 hunter......God damn s*** was easy for the first 12 games. Easily won our first 10-15 games against combos that I thought we would get rolled against. Even with my 110k Hp and only 1500 Resil hahaha. The healers seemed to be struggling BIG time.
Posted 12:08pm 10/8/11
I play a SP and my DPS is pretty low on rags due to having to pop the traps.
most other bosses ill top DPS but our warlock steals my dps when he's avaliable.
we only raid 1 day a week so I think were doing faily good for our low pop server.
were currently ranked 4th but the other guilds run 3 to 4 times a week.
We dont want it to be a job, like it use to be. One day a week suits me to a tea.
I use to be in (oldschool) whitehand in vanilla and the guild broke in 2 and formed malleus which then had another split and now called infamy. Still have many friends over on proudmoore but over population killed it for me.
people worth mentioning that were awesome back in the day.
Rahlena (coop)
Blazeshadow (had narcolepsy, was funny when he was raidleading and fell asleep in the middle of a boss encounter)
the list goes on forever.