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Post by Dan @ 10:45am 12/11/13 | 14 Comments
Subset Games, the indie team behind the crowdfunded rougelike FTL have announced that they've been working hard on an upcoming content update that will be released as a free expansion next year.
FTL: AE is a huge content addition that includes new weapons, drones, augments, systems, enemies, and more. Here are some details on just a few of the additions visible in the trailer:
  • Mind Control System: Temporarily turn enemies into allies. Force a boarder to repair the damage they just did, or have the enemy pilot sabotage their own helm.
  • Hacking System: Lockdown and disrupt enemy systems. Unique effects for each system, ranging from forcing a teleporter remove boarders to making the medbay damage instead of heal.
  • New Sector and Events: Our writer Tom Jubert has returned along with special guest writer Chris Avellone (of Planescape fame), who managed to find some time for us between his work on Project Eternity and Wasteland 2. They’ve been helping us add a new sector and scatter new events throughout the rest of the game.
  • New Weapons and Effects: Many new weapons that take advantage of new mechanics: overcharging to increase the number of volleys, stun effects to freeze crew, and area effect targeting, to name a few.
  • And more systems, drones, augments, enemy ships, enemy layouts, and hostile environments. All of which we’ll be sure to talk about more in the coming weeks!
The announcement also confirms that the game is in the works for iPad, with a hint that an Android tablet offering might follow, but ruling out smartphone due to limited screen space.

Watch the Advanced Edition trailer below.

ftl advanced editionftlsubset gamestrailer

Latest Comments
Posted 01:39am 13/11/13
Love this game. So many hours....
Posted 03:02am 13/11/13
played it just tonight!
Posted 07:48am 13/11/13
Chris Avellone is a freak that never sleeps it seems.I found FTL to be fun for a while but was a little too focused on the RNG there are plenty of times that no matter how well you do, you get stuck. You just have to keep playing until you get a half decent run.

It would be a much better game if your decisions were the cause of future stuff ups, instead of just bad luck.
Posted 08:58am 13/11/13
I agree with Toll, your success was completely dictated by random generation.

A game is definitely broken if you can't develop the skill to complete the game on easy consistently. I would argue that there's actually no skill involved in the game at all.

You just keep playing until the game spits out a winnable crew/weapon combination and doesn't ruin your game with harsh random events.
Posted 09:18am 13/11/13
The skill is knowing which weapon/crew/equipment combinations are effective for winning. It needs to have alternate victories, in case you get a bad run that wont be enough to beat the boss perhaps you could instead gun for another victory, perhaps lesser score but victory none-the-less.
This would allow a larger measure of skill.
Posted 10:00am 13/11/13
A game is definitely broken if you can't develop the skill to complete the game on easy consistently. I would argue that there's actually no skill involved in the game at all.
Isn't that the point of roguelikes? You can die at any time, it's not necessarily about the end its about the journey (or some such bulls***)
Not my style of game, but to call it broken because you don't like it? (Unless im wrong and other roguelikes aren't like that)
Posted 10:02am 13/11/13
A good rougelike has it so that you die because you made a series of poor decisions, not because you had a small run of bad luck (sometimes you do get a really bad run, but even then it can usually be salvaged). FTL does not do this, to me that makes it fail as a rougelike.

In it's current state, you can make a series of great decisions with what was handed to you, and still you die. That makes a bad rougelike.
Posted 12:31pm 13/11/13
Hmm, kind of disagree, I felt the same way on my first 30 runs before i beat the game proper on normal, after which if I played a good ship I found I finished the game on any given run about 80% of the time (the other 20% is written off as bulls*** like you guys have said). Sort of fell into the groove and if you just explore the s*** out of every zone, by skirting the line of the rebel fleeting catching you, you minimise a lot of the RNG.

I found the most fun part of the game after beating it a few times was unlocking the different ships and their alternative setups. Now that is all RNG.
Posted 01:58pm 13/11/13
yep i have all the ships unlocked even the crystal guys and the alts. But i play it on easy most of the time. That way you always get to the last battle and win. 99/100 times. On normal the game is more prone to "u never managed to acquire a better weapon and got wiped out" random frustration.

The game is very much based on choices i would say. Even s*** like dropping o2 production for 20 secs so you can divert the power away to heal the crew guy so he can be ready when the teleporter recharges to send him back over etc. If you are playing right you will be juggling power in battle because you want to be able to function on the least amount of upgraded power cells. If you have everything comfortably powered up with cells to spare you are not doing it right.

Even the choice of the 1st jump in a new sector. I spend a few secs looking at the best route (ie. most star jumps) to the exit. I literally count them. Highest number is the way i go but i do play dynamically so if along the way there is a reason to divert my direction i can do that (like a store or a quest).

Also when i get to the exit sometimes there are stars behind the exit (right of) that you can explore but doing so means the rebels will get to the exit behind you because their circle is just behind you and when you jump further right it engulfs the gate. IF my ship can kill an elite rebel ship i go explore the stars right of the exit and just fight my way back to the exit and onwards killing the rebel and getting my 1 fuel back. It is about hitting every star you can.

Never fight giant space spiders. Giant space spiders are no joke (fire weapons work good tho)
Posted 02:04pm 13/11/13

yep i have all the ships unlocked even the crystal guys and the alts. But i play it on easy most of the time. That way you always get to the last battle and win. 99/100 times. On normal the game is more prone to "u never managed to acquire a better weapon and got wiped out" random frustration.

The game is very much based on choices i would say. Even s*** like dropping o2 production for 20 secs so you can divert the power away to heal the crew guy so he can be ready when the teleporter recharges to send him back over etc. If you are playing right you will be juggling power in battle because you want to be able to function on the least amount of upgraded power cells. If you have everything comfortably powered up with cells to spare you are not doing it right.

Even the choice of the 1st jump in a new sector. I spend a few secs looking at the best route (ie. most star jumps) to the exit. I literally count them. Highest number is the way i go but i do play dynamically so if along the way there is a reason to divert my direction i can do that (like a store or a quest).

Also when i get to the exit sometimes there are stars behind the exit (right of) that you can explore but doing so means the rebels will get to the exit behind you because their circle is just behind you and when you jump further right it engulfs the gate. IF my ship can kill an elite rebel ship i go explore the stars right of the exit and just fight my way back to the exit and onwards killing the rebel and getting my 1 fuel back. It is about hitting every star you can.

There lays the biggest let down of the game, you have these fantastic micro decisions to get through battle and exploration, juggling everything just right. Only to lose the game because you just didn't get a Boss Killing setup.

This is why I say they need alternate endings to mitigate that problem, when they do that, THEN it becomes a true rogulike. This is a large reason that some of the best roguelikes available have alternate endings...
Posted 02:56pm 13/11/13
I really liked this game but as soon as I found out it's a roguelike game I got a bit disappointed. I thought what I was playing was the first in a series of worlds. I wish they'd do a RPG option with save points so that a noob like me can play it. I really didnt like how once you left base you couldnt upgrade your ship or acquire more members through buying them at different pay stations.
Posted 04:38pm 13/11/13
Boss Killing setup - ah yeah like 3 shield 40% evade weapons that will piece 4 shields and do dmg and a defence drone pref a Defence Drone II. There is some wiggle room. For example if u have an assault drone u can have less powerful guns. And if u have stealth weapons and cloaking u dont need to evade so much etc etc but yeah i know what you mean by trying to shape your ship into a certain configuration before the last stand.

That weapon pre-igniter is OP tho. I had 2 Level 2 lasers and a level 4 laser (8 full slots) and i was doing like 11 shots and 11 dmg b4 the other ship had even started charging their guns. Add to that 2 auto re loader augmentations (they stack) and u can just Massacre. But yeah its luck. you just dont get a chance to get that kind of load out very often

I really didnt like how once you left base you couldnt upgrade your ship or acquire more members through buying them at different pay stations.


I find slavers the best way to gain crew as u engage them but either teleport aboard and kill em all (most reliable)or shoot em up let em surrender (sometimes they wont surrender) and then u get a crew guy. Sometimes u even get to choose which race. 2nd best way is just pick em up at stores along the way. I really dislike having weapons on auto fire and sending over guys via transporter to fight and then your guns auto fire while you are concentrating on something else and blam enemy ship destroyed bye bye brave marines ;(

Upgrading the ship is also very important management. Always get 2 slots on teleporters or your crew will die before they can come back from damaging auto pilot enemies. Before going into slug zones always have 2 slots on o2 and med bay (those slugs love disabling that stuff). Always try o have at least one defence drone even if its level one for those pesky missile attacks. Lots of little things really
Posted 05:19pm 13/11/13
Skimmed through the posts but i agree with toll.

You need the right decisions PLUS the right random events for s*** to go well. Kinda lame that a lot of the game is out of your control.

Nevertheless, ive put many hours into this game searching for the perfect combo of s*** to happen - kinda like dota.
Posted 06:00pm 13/11/13
Yeah the pre-igniter is awesome sauce. Unfortunately I have no drive to play the game simply because I know that half the game is beyond my control and skill. I'd rather play a game where it was fully manageable by skill with luck thrown in to flavour the game. ie Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
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