Post by KostaAndreadis @ 09:26am 11/06/18 | 0 Comments
And a huge open and fully online world - digital Britain is the new setting. Anyway, thanks for the memories Drivatars. It's hard to imagine that in 2018 one of the most impressive game demonstrations would be a racing title with real cars. But even that sells Forza Horizon 4 short - the new dynamic seasons are truly breathtaking.
And to think that we thought they couldn't top the Australia setting of Forza Horizon 3. Check out the below, captured from in-game 4K footage.
And here's the gameplay demonstration that showcases the new dynamic seasons - which will apparently be controlled server side and be the same for everyone playing.
Forza Horizon 4 launches October 2, 2018 for Xbox One, Windows 10, and as part of the Xbox Game Pass service. Also revealed, a new 60 frames-per-second mode for Xbox One X players.