Since the recent Halloween Terror event a lot of people have been speculating that a similarly-themed Christmas event was in the works for Overwatch. Because, it's Christmas! Well, thanks to some data miners, it looks like Christmas is going to come early as audio files relating to an Overwatch Christmas event of some sort have been uncovered. Including, a rather beautiful bit of holiday theme music.
We could listen to that all day, especially come December 25.
Also, character dialogue snippets have been found. You can find those over at
Reddit. But as of yet there's no word on what the event will entail, but odds are on at least a few holiday-themed skins plus a special Arcade Mode.
Posted 06:01pm 25/11/16
No support for triple screen?
Says it can do 5760*1080 yet will still only display 1920*1080 on a single screen.
Their reasons for not supporting it?
Posted 07:55am 28/11/16
Blizzard removed the widescreen support in the beta - 44314224?page=1#post-13
A wider FOV/aspect ration gives a massive advantage which doesn't fly in a game built with competition in mind.
Posted 09:03am 02/12/16
Posted 03:31pm 05/12/16