The silly announcement season is about to kick off in a big way as we've been building to for the past two weeks, and with AusGamers in attendance and 15-year veterans of the show, we thought we'd take a lighthearted, yet realistic, approach to what you
won't hear from the event.
Half-Life 3 is the obvious one, but we've gone a bit further with all of these, and could have done so many more, such as Oculus revealing Holodeck technology, Nintendo merging with Microsoft, Kratos appearing in Super Smash Bros. Switch, Overwatch X Team Fortress mash-up special release, Minecraft Battlegrounds Edition and so much more.
Have a read and throw in your own slice of E3 comedy gold.
Click here for the 5 E3 Announcements You Won't Hear this Year.
Posted 12:56pm 08/6/17
Posted 03:21pm 08/6/17