Following the cinematic reveal back during E3 in June, publisher Deep Silver has now released the first gameplay footage from Dead Island 2, the forthcoming sequel to the 2011 open world zombie shooter being developed by the Spec Ops: The Line creators at YAGER.
Unlike the first game, which was actually set on a tropical island, this one doesn't seem to care about the second word in its title, as it takes the zombie apocalypse to Hollywood for some California dreaming.
Dead Island 2 is coming to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in Autumn 2015 (Northern Spring)
I was a super latecomer to the original but man, it was really great. Except for constantly running out of gun ammo. The crafting stuff I thought was a bit over done (I just want to shoot zombies) but the adventure aspect was really cool.
I liked the bit where if you pressed the buttons for 'drop weapon' and 'throw weapon' at the same time, it duped your weapon and you ended up with two of them. Made it nice and easy to get money, and make a few dupes of any awesome weapons you found/crafted so you'd have backups if one broke.
Posted 10:36am 12/8/14
Posted 10:51am 12/8/14
Posted 12:12pm 12/8/14
Posted 12:22pm 12/8/14
Posted 12:29pm 12/8/14
Posted 01:23pm 12/8/14
Posted 01:54pm 12/8/14
I remember playing the first chapter over and over with mates
Posted 02:33pm 12/8/14
Posted 12:23pm 14/8/14