Post by KostaAndreadis @ 03:22pm 02/12/16 | 16 Comments
And in it we get to see space stuff, planet stuff, outpost stuff, vehicle stuff, and even Spectre-power stuff! Built on the Frostbite engine, in a lot of ways what we see looks like a cross between Mass Effect 3: The "Final" One and Dragon Age: Inquisition. The combat is fast, fluid, and intense, and the video showcases quite a few different encounters. The exploration also looks to be more involved -- and includes things like collecting minerals and crafting materials.
Plus, the return of the glorious Galaxy Map.
Mass Effect Andromeda has a tentative release window of Autumn 2017.
I have no idea why there's another human here, seemingly running some sort of racket. It dilutes the whole "first to explore the Andromeda galaxy" thing, and makes it redundant to be there to find a new home for humanity if other humans have already done so... otherwise, looks cool
I have no idea why there's another human here, seemingly running some sort of racket.
Kind of agree but at the same time people on the outskirts of society are usually the first to colonize a new area and that's pretty typical for sci-fi especially. Except for Star Trek where there is a massive city planet just chilling in the middle of f*****g nowhere.
I hope they have genders for all races, still haven't seen a female version of Garrus yet. Then again the female versions for the frog people and the rhinos or whatever they are were pretty disappointing, they pretty much just added female voices and decided that was good enough.
I have no idea why there's another human here, seemingly running some sort of racket. It dilutes the whole "first to explore the Andromeda galaxy" thing, and makes it redundant to be there to find a new home for humanity if other humans have already done so... otherwise, looks cool
my guess is that these are the remnants of the flagship that was sent to andromeda ahead of the 4 arks.
Theres a female Turian in that trailer, in the party when they land on the planet
Really? How can you tell with out any voice acting? Because it looks exactly like f*****g Garrus so I guess they still haven't put any effort into that part of the character design.
Really? How can you tell with out any voice acting? Because it looks exactly like f*****g Garrus so I guess they still haven't put any effort into that part of the character design.
- Seems interesting and I like that fact this trailer shows gameplay. Running on the Frostbite engine is cool too.
- I am not sure what exactly is supposed to be going on story wise. This is an expept from the wiki page.
The game takes place 600 years after the events of the first three Mass Effect games,[10] in the Andromeda Galaxy. The player character's intergalactic journey began during the time in which Mass Effect 2 takes place, separating the new setting from the events of the third game.[11] Players choose from either a male or a female sibling with the other continuing to feature in the story. They are the children of Alec Ryder – an N7 special forces soldier – and designated as a Pathfinder, an operative tasked with discovering new planets for the Human species to colonize. They will explore an open world galaxy aboard the starship Tempest.
600 years is a long time to not find a planet to crash on. Are they couch surfing or something? Is it difficult for first planet buyers to get a planet these days? Or do we already have a colony in the Andromeda galaxy and we are looking for a summer holiday planet?
For a second there in the trailer, Fem-Ryder looked cross eyed.
No doubt there's a planet crisis/bubble and it's virtually impossible for first time planet buyers to get into the market, unless they've got intergalactic empire money.
Yeah, I don't really care from a gender equality pov, its just nice to have more variation and to have that sort of stuff accounted for just rounds out the world better. I don't really care what the explanation is, whether a race has one gender, many genders, no genders, or whether male and female look the same like with the krogans, just the fact that its been taken into account makes for better world building. I got no problem with male and female krogan looking the same and humans being unable to distinguish them, cos I mean, that makes sense, they're an entirely different species. I can't look at like a dolphin and tell if its male or female either, but I'm sure other dolphins have no trouble.
Posted 03:42pm 02/12/16
Posted 05:33pm 02/12/16
I hope they do a original trilogy remaster.
Posted 05:44pm 02/12/16
I hope they have genders for all races, still haven't seen a female version of Garrus yet. Then again the female versions for the frog people and the rhinos or whatever they are were pretty disappointing, they pretty much just added female voices and decided that was good enough.
Posted 05:51pm 02/12/16
Theres a female Turian in that trailer, in the party when they land on the planet
Posted 06:44pm 02/12/16
my guess is that these are the remnants of the flagship that was sent to andromeda ahead of the 4 arks.
also, game looks f*****g great.
Posted 10:09pm 02/12/16
Posted 11:10pm 02/12/16
slimmer build and the females don't have horns.
last edited by ravn0s at 23:10:44 02/Dec/16
Posted 01:55am 03/12/16
- I am not sure what exactly is supposed to be going on story wise. This is an expept from the wiki page.
600 years is a long time to not find a planet to crash on. Are they couch surfing or something? Is it difficult for first planet buyers to get a planet these days? Or do we already have a colony in the Andromeda galaxy and we are looking for a summer holiday planet?
For a second there in the trailer, Fem-Ryder looked cross eyed.
Posted 02:05am 03/12/16
Posted 08:54pm 03/12/16
Posted 10:28am 04/12/16
Are we even sure an alien race would have 2 sex's, why not 1 or many?
Posted 05:51pm 04/12/16
Posted 02:56am 06/12/16
Well the fancy edition of ME: Andromeda is announced. Andromeda-Nomad-RC-Collectors-Edition-PlayStation- 4
$399.95 dollarydoos
I'll be skipping this edition lol.
Posted 11:59am 06/12/16
Posted 12:27pm 06/12/16
the asari are mono-gendered even though they look female.
Posted 12:55pm 06/12/16
As Long as you have somewhere to put it, it's all good.