Recently Ubisoft teased at an upcoming Minecraft map pack that would feature the world of upcoming open-world FPS Far Cry 3, with a re-imagined view of the playable islands in block form. Today Ubisoft has announced that the map pack is now available for download, and features over 50 easter eggs for your hunting pleasure.
This free downloadable mod allows you to explore and survive the Minecraft PC experience with the warped tones of Far Cry 3. Has modifications to all aspects of the game, including blocks, mobs, weapons and tools.
Find key Far Cry 3 locations and characters, including Vaas, Jason and Citra, all completely redesigned as Minecraft mobs. The map also features over 50 Easter Eggs, hidden through the Islands. This map was created by Michael Lambert (Sacr3, creator of Newcraft City), a well-known Minecraft enthusiast, and artist Axel Janssen and Yohann Delcourt who were responsible for the textures.
So if you feel like your weekend isn't too busy and want to go for a treasure hunt, then check out our local download for the map pack
over here.
Posted 02:10am 28/10/12