The Australian-produced fan film Fallout Lanius, inspired by Fallout: New Vegas character Legate Lanius, recently achieved its $10,000 target on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, and the team has also now released a teaser trailer (thanks Kotaku.
On the brink of ruin, the Hidebark people are about to be wiped out by the slaving organisation, Caesar's Legion. However, their most ruthless warrior would prefer death to dishonour. "Fallout: Lanius" will recount how a single man brings ruin to his people due to his lust for bloodshed and victory.
Watch the teaser trailer below, and head over to the Indieigogo page if you want to help the team meet more of their stretch goals, which include more camera moving equipment, increased post production processing assistance.
AusGamers spoke with the film's director Wade K. Savage, and you can find out more details in our quick chat feature.