As happens on occasion, another upcoming game's existence has been revealed by a new ratings submission to the Australian Classification Board before any official announcements have been made by its publisher.
The latest oops is a listing for "
The Expendables 2 Videogame", rated MA15+ and submitted by Ubisoft, which unless the publisher is getting incredibly obtuse with code-names, most obviously indicates a game counterpart to the upcoming action flick of the same name -- Directed by Simon West and starring a ridiculous line-up of 80s action heroes.
That the film is due on screens worldwide in only a couple of short months from now (late August 2012) makes it rather strange that the game has yet to be unveiled and suspicious minds might be asking: If the publisher was confident in the game's quality, why wasn't it part of their recent E3 press conference lineup?
CVG Australia.
Posted 09:48am 14/6/12