Post by Steve Farrelly @ 02:49pm 02/03/15 | 0 Comments
Most fighting games tend to fall short in one main area: story. But that has almost become a celebrated component of what to expect from the genre -- a facet NetherRealm appears to be embracing with Mortal Kombat X, if we're to take from this new story trailer what I suspect most will.
It's interesting though, because I've always thought Mortal Kombat had at least the foundations of a sweet action-RPG/fantasy style setting, limited only by the tried and tested (and needed) one vs one basis of most fantasy games.
Today's trailer is fun and 'epic' in only the way Mortal Kombat can be, but it could also be seen as the studio taking the narrative a little bit more seriously... I honestly can't tell. Why don't you be the judge.