Ahead of E3 proper, AusGamers was offered a chance to catch up with Infinity Ward's Mark Reuben. Among a number of topics, the Call of Duty veteran spoke specifically about Call of Duty being a "movie you get to play", the potential for mods and level editors and what their hopes for networking and servers are in the future.
From the interview:
"So we as a franchise have always been trying to make movies that you get to play -- we want that cinematic experience, we want that directed immersion and that’s what we do really well, and [so] I want other games to kind of fill in that desire for other types of gameplay. So I don’t know if that makes sense to you, but I want us to do what we do because that’s what we do really well and I want other games to explore those other different mechanics and different ideas."
Click here for the full interview.
Posted 10:50pm 12/6/13