Earlier in the week we talked about an impending unveiling of a brand new Star Wars title from LucasArts. As promised, the team delivered the goods via
GTTV and we can all rest easy now that Prey 2 has slipped, because we'll be filling bounty-hunter boots in Star Wars: 1313.
Not a lot of information has been revealed just yet, other than the game being third-person action in genre, set on Curoscant in, and around, Level 1313 and that you'll play as a bounty hunter. It's also meant to be a dark and brooding game featuring some of the meanest characters in the Star Wars universe.
Check out a batch of concept art via the thumbnails below.
More info will be divulged at E3, including an all-new trailer, so be sure to stay tuned next week for all the juice, right here on AusGamers.
Posted 04:06pm 01/6/12
Posted 05:59pm 01/6/12
Posted 06:19pm 01/6/12
Posted 06:27pm 01/6/12
Posted 06:30pm 01/6/12
Posted 08:13pm 01/6/12
Posted 01:47am 02/6/12
Posted 05:38pm 05/6/12
Posted 06:25pm 05/6/12
Posted 07:00pm 05/6/12
Posted 07:11pm 05/6/12
Posted 07:46pm 05/6/12
Posted 08:04pm 05/6/12
Posted 10:11pm 05/6/12
Posted 11:10pm 05/6/12
Looks a lot like uncharted but without the 'press x to climb' flashing in the screen
Doesnr interest me, but Starwars died for me with ep1 so I'm probably not the target market