It should come as no surprise that
THQ have announced a sequel to 2010's hit
Darksiders. The original game featuring War, Horseman of the Apocalypse was a fantastic title that borrowed from quite a few genres, but managed to tie them all together into a superb title. The sequel picks up where the original game left off, with
Darksiders 2 seeing you assume the mantle of Death as he attempts to redeem his Brother.
Promising a dramatically larger world, bigger (and more challenging) dungeons, a vast array of new enemies and more,
Darksiders 2 looks set to take everything good about the original and crank it up a few notches.
No doubt there'll be more to see following E3, but for the time being check out the teaser trailer to get an idea of what's in store!
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Posted 11:34am 04/6/11
last edited by darkjedi at 11:34:31 04/Jun/11
Posted 11:55am 04/6/11
Posted 12:02pm 04/6/11
They are also doing the W40K mmo.
Posted 12:04pm 04/6/11
That aside, I really must go back and finish playing Darksiders again. Been far too long.
Posted 12:35pm 04/6/11
Posted 01:03pm 04/6/11