Many a
Diablo fan (
cough Kosta cough) has likely been champing at the bit to get a piece of
Warhammer: Chaosbane. Unfortunately sometimes mimicry isn't the best form of flattery, nor is it conducive to placating needs, desires and wants. All of which essentially permeate our review of the
Warhammer spin on the Diablo formula. Sorry,
Here's a snippet from
Griz's review:
To a Diablo III tragic, this is a major drawback. For years we've been spoiled with a wealth of generated content that keeps the hack 'n' slash fresh. Likewise, my seven characters have been assailed by a cast of monsters so diverse it's like the original Necronomicon grew into a Stephenie Meyer-esque series of novels. In comparison, Chaosbane offered me four heroes and what felt like the first page or two of a demon brochure.
Let's take a look at the player characters first, none of which can be customised (not even gender variants). I personally went with the wood she-elf scout who deals in high-mobility arrowslinging and can also spawn in Groot familiars. An online co-op buddy of mine went the route of a High-elf mage who loves to teleport, burn things, and deliver AOE pain from afar. One of my sons stepped into the armour of an Imperial Soldier who wades in close and is adept at defense / counter-attacks. Last but not least, we had some online rando dipping in and out as a Dwarven Slayer – an AOE maestro who's all about that bleed effect. Decent selection, all in all, but I sure did want more choice.
Click here for our full, in-depth Warhammer: Chaosbane review.