Dishonored is the sort of series that as soon as you play it with any sort of seriousness, it'll be something that you'll always gladly come back to. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, the new standalone expansion that revisits a few of the iconic Dishonored 2 locations whilst presenting a new story, with a new protagonist, definitely falls into that category.
Viewed as a victory lap, or victory stab, this is an exceptional release. Setting aside the fact that you’ll revisit locations from Dishonored 2, there’s still a sense of care and thought put into every mission and side contract. The smaller focus only seems to affect character progression, which this time around is limited to the act of equipping bone charms. Those otherworldly bits of cartilage that provide minor upgrades along the lines of being able to jump higher or stab stronger. In terms of raw abilities Billy Lurk is equipped with everything she needs to pull off a mission right out of the gate.
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