Blizzard has revealed that the Diablo 3 console version for the PlayStation 4 will see a release sometime in 2014, unlike what many believed would be a release alongside their current-gen counterparts, according to a new interview
by DiabloFans.
According to the interview which included game director Josh Mosqueira and designers Travis Day and Wyatt Cheng, Diablo 3's next-gen launch will apparently allow the team to tailor the game to the next-gen specifications rather than simply utilising a porting method from current-gen consoles. Sadly it was also revealed that there will be no plans for Diablo 3 on portable devices.
The recent interview also revealed that when it comes to an expansion for the loot-filled title, "the main concern will not be to ship it simultaneously on all platforms, but instead try to make the expansion features as relevant to each platform as possible." No word yet though on when or if an expansion will be seeing the light of day, but hopefully more will surface once the console versions are out in the wild.
Diablo 3 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be available September 3.
Posted 04:06pm 16/7/13
Posted 04:10pm 16/7/13
Instead they go 'next gen'. F***en porkchops.
(someone please make the game I described though)
Posted 06:02pm 16/7/13
diablo 1 could work though
Posted 07:47pm 16/7/13
Posted 07:53pm 16/7/13
Posted 10:26pm 16/7/13
Posted 10:33pm 16/7/13