Ninja Gaiden creator Tomonobu Itagaki and his Japanese studio Valhalla Games have reannounced the action game Devil's Third as an exclusive title for the Nintendo Wii U.
Devil's Third started its life under defunct publisher THQ, and before today, the last we'd seen of the game was way back at E3 2011. The announcment was made during IGN's E3 Livestream where the developer described the project's transition (thanks Polygon):
Nintendo "really understood my vision," said Itagaki through a translator on the livestream, flanked by former THQ executive Danny Bilson. Itagaki also showed a trailer for Devil's Third's objective-based multiplayer mode, along with a live demo of the single-player campaign. Movement and melee combat is shown from a third-person perspective, while shooting goes into a first-person view. Hand-to-hand fighting is brutal and gory with dismemberment, and the player character moves very quickly, with the ability to run up walls.
The GamePad plays an important role in competitive battles, said Itagaki, with the screen being used to convey information to other players. According to Bilson, the protagonist is part of a group of former terrorists who have some mutant abilities, and many of the bosses in the game are former allies. Devil's Third also includes a level editor, they explained.
You can watch the trailer below, which shows the game looking quite a bit different than the last time we saw it, but includes the over-the-top action, excessive violence, cheesy dialogue and awkward female objectification one would expect from a Tomonobu Itagaiki game.