Ah, the old asterisk in the headline - which here only refers to the fact that this offer available now via Battle.net expires on November 19 and that it's just the base game. So no access to DLC like the most recent Forsaken expansion or the smaller packs like Osiris. But still, you get what the full launch game was - with the added bonus of a fine-tuned and better balanced experience.
Also Destiny 2 looks and runs great on modern gaming rigs, pushing fast frame-rates with great art direction and visual effects. At launch Bunge's Destiny 2 received mixed reviews but since that time several aspects of the game have changed with many core players believing the overall Destiny 2 experience to be in a much better state.
But, even if you hop in alone or with a group of friends - there's the fun action-packed campaign to play-through. Plus, if you get in before this upcoming weekend finished you'll have access to Forsaken's new PvP meeter PvE multiplayer mode called Gambit - which is pretty great.
For your copy of Destiny 2 on PC simply fire up Battle.net or download the Blizzard Battle.net client