Precursor Games' ambtious Kickstarter project to create a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkenss has been hampered by negative reports of the developer's former studio Silicon Knights --predominantly, some rather serious allegations made in an article on Kotaku following the launch of the ill-received X-Men Destiny.
With the crowdfunding efforts of Precursor's Shadow of the Eternals having clearly been impacted by the spectre of these accusations, Precursor CCO, and former Silicon Knights head Denis Dyack was urged by his colleagues to try and clear the air, and the result was a half hour video blog from Dyack, telling his side of the story.
Citing eight anonymous sources, purporting to be disgruntled former Silicon Knights employees with a total of 45 years experience at the faltered studio, the allegations in Kotaku's report claimed, among other things, that Silicon Knights had diverted publisher funding intended for X-Men: Destiny toward an Eternal Darkness 2 prototype.
Dyack's video response touches on a number of concerns heard from community members hesitant on backing Shadow of the Eternals, explaining that he had not originally felt a response was warranted to such unfounded comments, but now realises how widely believed the allegations have become.
Outright apologising for "the way that game turned out", Dyack claims that Silicon Knights actually put more than $2million of their own funding into X-Men: Destiny, over publisher Activision's allocation, and that although "some mistakes were made" that they "put nothing but their best efforts into this project".
The outspoken developer acknowledges that he has said something things in the past the he shouldn't have, and apologises for past transgressions, explaining that his new position at precursor, in a creative-focused capacity, puts him outside of such budgetary decisions.
An even more detailed forum post over on the precursor games site further explores what they believe to be a violation of journalism ethics on Kotaku's part, in the questionable manner that anonymous sources were used.
Watch the full video below, and head over to the Kickstarter page if it gives you a change of heart. Shadow of the Eternals is planned for PC and Wii U, and a successful crowdfunding drive will secure the development of the game's first episodic instalment.
Posted 01:48am 21/5/13
The CEO is named Paul and the COO is named Shawn.
Posted 07:46am 21/5/13