With the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on PC people have noticed a reference to a PlayStation PC launcher in the files, with specific calls to “PSNAccountLinked” and “PSNLinkingEntitlements”. This could lead to a dedicated PlayStation PC app that links accounts and potentially even shares things like progress and friends lists.
Not to mention being the home and place to fire up first-party PlayStation games on PC.
So far Sony has been releasing its titles on Steam and the Epic Games Store, but with a dedicated launcher, it won't need to share revenue with platform holders. Plus, it'll be a great way to integrate the PSN into the PC landscape - as per the references. With Horizon Zero Daw, Day's Gone, God of War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered already out Sony isn't showing any signs of pumping the brakes on its PC support. The Last of Us Part I Remake is coming, and so are Uncharted and Ghost of Tsushima (presumably). So the idea of a dedicated launcher makes sense.