Cyan Worlds, the independent studio founded by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller, most prominently known as the co-creators of the acclaimed adventure games Myst and Riven has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in the hopes of creating a new title called Obduction.
Obduction is an all-new, real-time, first-person adventure that harkens back to the spirit of Cyan’s earlier games Myst and Riven. Obduction resurrects that incredible feeling of suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a new world to explore, discover, solve, and become part of.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of Myst, one of the best-selling computer games in history. The Myst name is widely recognized as uniquely defining a new kind of gaming - amazingly immersive worlds where the point is to understand your environment rather than test your reflexes. The Obduction project will take what Cyan knows about creating deeply immersive worlds and apply it to an entirely new game with fantastic scenery, incredible architecture, compelling story, and exceptional challenges.
Cyan Worlds has selected Unreal Engine 4 to bring its new world to life, and set an initial funding goal of US$1.1M with a hint of stretch goals that might include non-English language localisation and Oculus Rift VR support.
Watch the pitch video below and head over to the
Kickstarer page for more details.