As part of its On The House line of free games, EA has made the original 1993 tactical game Syndicate available via its Origin service.
Not to be confused with the 2012 remake which was barred from release in Australia due to content that didn't jive with OFLC, which was also called Syndicate, comes the 1993 original. Namely, with similar content that was fine back when ratings boards were okay with players feeding super soldiers performance enhancing drugs to perform violent acts. A simpler time to be sure.
As with many games from the golden era of tactical PC gaming, this digitally distributed Syndicate runs via a built in DOSBox launcher. Allowing for a hassle and configuration free retro gaming experience. One that sees players control a squad of cyborgs in the corporate controlled future of 2096.
Posted 05:26pm 06/3/15
Blast corps, the other week, Syndicate this week. I'm currently playing them all on droid emulator's.
Someone must be spying on me.
Posted 12:39am 08/3/15