Our newest freelance reviewer addition, Sarah Lamotte (aka snr0n), took a Kinect-fuelled swing at reviewing Tetsuya Mizaguchi's Child of Eden for us; connecting her synapses to his ethereal music-driven world, and walked away uplifted, enlightened and review-ready for it.
Child of Eden is both thematically and mechanically near-identical to Rez. The game takes place within Eden, the digital system that was the setting of the first game. Here, it’s presented as a depersonalised archive of all humanity’s knowledge - a kind of futuristic Internet, though devoid of trolls and cat photos.
The game is also available on PS3, but for the full run-down,
click here for Sarah's debut AusGamers review.
Posted 12:13pm 27/6/11
Posted 12:15pm 27/6/11
Posted 06:35pm 27/6/11