VG247 caught wind of the next Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC pack from GAME Australia, where the retailer may have accidentally posted up an early teaser campaign image detailing what we'll get with the update.
"Seize the Zoo", "Take the Hotel", "Secure the Convoy", "Raid the Stockpile" and "Survive Call of the Dead" all suggest there are going to be four new maps as well as an all-new Zombies map. The date listed on the poster says 3rd of May and carries with it an AU rating, so it's fairly legit. It'll be exclusive to Xbox 360 first (as part of their three-year deal where all DLC content for CoD hits Microsoft's platform first) with no price-point in sight of the leaked info.
Say what you will about the franchise et al, at least Treyarch are supporting their game post-release more aggressively and pro-actively than Infinity Ward ever did. We'll let you know when Activision officially announces the content pack with more specifics, and
click here to get a glimpse at the retail poster.
Posted 12:04pm 06/4/11
Posted 12:16pm 06/4/11
(if anyone has a genuine wired controller that they wanna part with holla)
Posted 12:40pm 06/4/11
Posted 12:43pm 06/4/11
1 a year ($80-$110 ), +2 or 3 DLC @ $15 a pop.
Posted 12:46pm 06/4/11
F*** monthly payments just release a new game each year and s***** updates, you have to pay for or you cant play the game properly, that should have come out with the game in the begining throughout so we can make gillions of dollahs
Posted 02:34pm 06/4/11
Posted 03:36pm 06/4/11
look at valve for an awesome company that takes care of their users, how long ago did they release TF2 and they are still regularly releasing free content for it.
Posted 03:40pm 06/4/11
You can buy wired controllers, they are still being sold as "Windows" PC controllers.
Posted 03:46pm 06/4/11
Posted 04:32pm 06/4/11
Posted 04:42pm 06/4/11
I've already got one but it turns out that XIM3 only detects genuine ones and the one i have isn't :(
Passing by EB today I decided to see how much they're going for. Dude said $60. I told him to have a nice life.