There comes a point in any PC’s life when you know that upgrades just won’t cut it anymore, and a complete overhaul is required. Whether it be from an aging motherboard that is no longer on the bleeding edge of CPU socket sizes, or a case that was released years before the concept of see-through side panels were a thing. And USB 3.0. Join us as we begin our journey to put together a kick-ass PC gaming rig in 2017.

It was only by chance that when we started looking at building the AusGamers 3000 that AMD once again became a force to be reckoned with in the CPU market. Thanks to its new multi-core line of Ryzen CPUs. Make no mistake about it, for the past few years when building a gaming PC most people would quickly end the CPU debate by choosing from either i5 or i7 from Intel’s line of CPUs. The clear market leader until a few months ago.
In the lead-up to its release there was a lot of hype surrounding AMD’s new Ryzen line of CPUs, with pricing, performance, overclocking capabilities, and the future-proof multi-core design at the forefront.
We’re happy to report that the legends are true, the Ryzen CPU is quite something to behold. When it comes down to it, high-performance multi-core CPUs aren’t exactly necessary to run the latest games, and the price-point has for the most part been the barrier for the point of entry. The Ryzen effectively changes all that, offering outstanding performance for a relatively low price.
Click Here to Read Building Our New PC Gaming Rig - The AusGamers 3000 (Part One)
Special thanks to hardware suppliers and partners AMD, Nvidia, Cooler Master, Gigabyte, Crucial, Seagate, G.Skill, Logitech, and Razer
Posted 07:17pm 11/12/17
Posted 09:42pm 11/12/17
Posted 09:55pm 11/12/17
Posted 11:46pm 12/12/17
Posted 07:36am 13/12/17
i like the idea of the old style case, purely so it doesnt have lights in/on it.
Posted 11:45am 13/12/17
Posted 10:43pm 13/12/17