Double Fine Productions has revealed the voice cast for their upcoming crowd-funded adventure game, (the game formerly known as Double Find Adventure), following an announcement made at PAX Prime 2013 with a video of the various actors in the recording studio.
The cast notably includes Hollywood funny man and musician Jack Black, and every-woman voice-actor extraordinaire Jeniffer Hale, who both previously worked with Double Fine on the heavy metal action game Brutal Legend. Black will be playing a character named Harm'ny Lightbeard, the lifter of clouds, and Hale will be someone simply named Mom.
Other VA vets such as Richard Horvitz, Cree Summer, and Nick Jameson are also features. Watch the clip below.
Broken Age is expected to be released in two halves, with the first due to arrive in a pre-release state via the Steam Early Access platform in January 2014.
Posted 07:40pm 02/9/13