We've featured a lot of Brink trailers in the past few weeks as Bethesda and Splash Damage plough toward release day of their hotly anticipated shooter, so for those that are getting a bit sick of hearing about it, the end just might be in sight.
Today, they've sent along the obligatory launch trailer -- a new two minute clip feature a mix of cinematic and game-engine footage that sets the scene of the game.
Check it out below or
click here for the HD version.
Brink is due in Australia on May 12th 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Posted 10:44am 10/5/11
I'm a BIG fan of the graphic style of this game :D
Posted 12:03pm 10/5/11
Posted 12:09pm 10/5/11
Grabbing it now, it's a 1263MB download. Will post some more news if I learn anything extra interesting about it.
Posted 12:47pm 10/5/11
Posted 01:01pm 10/5/11
Posted 01:27pm 10/5/11
Posted 01:38pm 10/5/11
Posted 01:54pm 10/5/11
Posted 01:57pm 10/5/11
Posted 02:00pm 10/5/11
loved that game.
so this game essentially TF2 meets Mirrors Edge? If there's enough people playing online, i might have to pick this one up.
Posted 02:10pm 10/5/11
Posted 03:38pm 10/5/11
Seeing a lot of current reviews in the 80% range though which is nice.
I've noticed a couple of scathingly low ones though, which concerned me a little until I actually read them -- some of the worst critiques I've seen from those major publications, focusing on what they think the game should have included based on other games in the genre, rather than looking at the new and different things it does offer.
Joystick's complaining about it not having a lobby had me lol'ing, my god, can you not figure out how to join a hosted game? IGN's is just terrible. This is an actual quote from their review: Not, even, kidding.
Posted 04:28pm 10/5/11
Does the Mammoth/AG VPS only run Lin* images or can I start an instance of Windows Server and run a Brink dedicated server : or is there some secret sauce nix executable available?
Posted 04:33pm 10/5/11
You could run a server on a windows VPS from mammothvps, though I have nfi how much cpu/mem you'd need to do that and if it would be adequate.
Posted 04:39pm 10/5/11
Posted 05:26pm 10/5/11
Posted 05:43pm 10/5/11
Posted 06:07pm 10/5/11
Posted 06:08pm 10/5/11
I agree. Sadface.
And +1 to the specialist mod. That was back in the day when i just started playing around with mods and I had the gaming PC and IIRC an old Pentium 3 650mhz in my brothers room and we used to 1v1 LAN. Awesome mod that one.
Posted 06:14pm 10/5/11
Posted 06:14pm 10/5/11
Posted 06:16pm 10/5/11
Bunnyhopping is oldschool. Unless you come from the early days of Quake or UT or are a pro, i find most COD, BFBC2 and the like players dont bunnyhop. Most of them dont even crouch or jump to try and avoid fire.
Posted 06:37pm 10/5/11
I believe that's what the developers are going for, and if they've pulled it off, I'm about to become a Brink addict a la CS beta 6 styles.
Posted 06:46pm 10/5/11
Although it is pretty pathetic form by splash damage to essentially missrepresent the single player portion of the game (like the idea that the game should be played solo at all) but to review a game without properly playing it is beyond incompetent. At least the ars guy has a shred of credibility.
Posted 06:48pm 10/5/11
Posted 07:11pm 10/5/11
Posted 07:40pm 10/5/11
Reviews are there as someone's opinion obviously, doesn't mean they're invalid.
I always go to metacritic and read the top scoring few and the bottom, between them you can usually get a good idea of the game, some things people are willing to look past if they're enjoying other aspects of the game, whereas for others those annoyances can ruin the whole experience. You also have to factor in whether the IP, genre, style or setting appeals to you as that will factor into your enjoyment.
Posted 07:40pm 10/5/11
I'm still more surprised by the IGN one though. I know they have a lot of talented and credible people writing for them (particularly the Australian crew) and it's really strange that they'd let something that shabby slip through on a high profile title.
Posted 07:49pm 10/5/11
Posted 08:10pm 10/5/11
QGL has always been full of s*** but people at least used to get called on it. Instead of average file size, trogdor should be spending time charting the increase in stupidity on this forum. The registration of faceman would have to be ignored because it is a statistical anomaly though.
Posted 08:12pm 10/5/11
Posted 08:12pm 10/5/11
Posted 12:01am 11/5/11
Steam pre-order here in the UK is £29.99 and I can find it for as low as £21.99 for a retail copy online incl. delivery... Why is digital delivery so much more expensive than actually purchasing a physical thing + delivery? I'll never understand that.
Posted 12:31am 11/5/11
Not 100% on this but I think a lot of those online retailers buy their stock from azn wholesalers which operate on a significantly lower RRP. Whereas steam would be getting the RRP from Bethashtaspasta.
Really want to give this game a whirl but afraid it will be bad and 30pounds I could've spent on piss (which is not a waste).
last edited by ctd at 00:31:27 11/May/11
Posted 12:37am 11/5/11
Tags: GameTrailers.com, Review, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
To me the game looks to be just a spin on the ET franchise, but I've liked the last two iterations of the ET games so Ill probably pick it up
Posted 02:16am 11/5/11
Posted 09:53am 11/5/11
Posted 10:56am 11/5/11
Posted 10:58am 11/5/11
Oh wow, the gameplay in that vid looked really crap. Animations, style of combat, etc were fairly gumby. Definitely waiting for more reviews before touching this game.
Posted 01:27pm 11/5/11
Animations just look awkward, especially when someone gets shot. While the graphic style of the character models looks cool the environments look plain. There seems be some depth to character customization but from what i've seen so far it doesn't have too much of an effect on the core gameplay.
I do think the game has a unique concept but from what i've seen so far it looks disappointing, one which is reminiscent of Kane and Lynch 2 (in terms of being a good concept but lacking in being a fun game).
Here's one of several videos i watched:
Something tells me IGN review is not too far off the mark with this one...I'm not sure about the MP but if the SP is any indication of how the MP will be then I'll be renting it for now.
Posted 07:16pm 11/5/11
Posted 07:39pm 11/5/11