The first DLC pack for Splash Damage's Brink, "The Agents of Change", will be free upon its release early next month on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and Steam for two weeks, where if you grab it in that time it will remain free for you, miss it though, and you'll be made to fork out cash-money in what is an interesting way to attempt to balance the ire of FPS gamers who feel they shouldn't have to pay for new maps, item updates and more, versus a developers need to make more cash and extend the playable life of their game (though Brink really isn't that old to be worrying about that aspect just yet).
The DLC features two all-new environments, five new player abilities, two new outfits, and two new weapon attachments, while also raising the level cap to 24.
In tandem with the DLC, the teams at Splash Damage and Bethesda have been hard at work on the next major title update for Brink. The update is highlighted by online optimizations, AI enhancements, and weapon balance tweaks based on player feedback. A separate, incremental update is now available on PC, while players of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version of Brink can expect the full title update alongside the release of Agents of Change.
You can find out more details about the new content
by clicking right here. There's no official word on pricing for the DLC after its two free weeks are up, but my guess is the standard AU$15-odd dollars for each platform. We'll give you more details when we have them.
Posted 09:28am 27/6/11
Guess it's a step in the right direction to downloadable maps being free again. But when publishers are making squillions from DLC I don't know if this trend will stick. :/
Posted 09:34am 27/6/11
Lulz, it doesnt need to worry because the the games already effectively dead on pc.
Posted 09:37am 27/6/11
quite despressing. was more or less dead 2 weeks in.
Posted 09:38am 27/6/11
Posted 09:41am 27/6/11
Posted 09:57am 27/6/11
Posted 10:05am 27/6/11
Posted 10:07am 27/6/11
so it doesn't have the fanboi following that tf2 does because tf2 is (or at least used to be) rediculously fun and easy to learn with an almost zero sum learning curve to get into the game and start blasting the s*** out of things (read: anything that moves)
Posted 11:22am 27/6/11