The official PlayStation Blog has promised that a playable demo for the upcoming PlayStation 3-exclusive title Beyond: Two Souls will be made available via PlayStation, Store on October 2nd 2013, packing in two levels from the full game, a week ahead of launch:
Jodie & Aiden – join a very young Jodie as she takes part in an experiment at the Department of Paranormal Activities. As officials put her abilities to the test, you take charge of a mysterious, invisible entity.
Hunted – skip forward a number of years and you need to help Jodie escape the clutches of government agents as the mysterious entity unleashes its truly astonishing powers.
Accompanying the demo news, Sony has already released a new behind the scenes type trailer for the game, delving into the game's performance capture methodology.
Beyond: Two Souls obviously isn't the first game to have attracted Hollywood veteran talent, but while others have only captured the voices of stars, developer Quantic Dream actually has had film veterans Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe kitted up for complete motion capture. This latest clip features both decorated performers discussing their experiences with the technology in contrast to their traditional film shoots. Watch the embed below.
Beyond: Two Souls is due October 9th 2013, exclusively on PlayStation 3.