Post by KostaAndreadis @ 02:44pm 22/08/16 | 0 Comments
After its cinematic debut at E3, Bethesda gave us our first glimpse of what the new Prey actually looks like at QuakeCon last month. With the footage shown giving off the vibe of a first-person psychological sci-fi horror. And now with a new, and pretty cryptic, glimpse at a few sections of the game that still seems to be the case. But with the added ability to possess a coffee mug. To roll through a small gap in a window. At least, that's what we think is happening.
There's definitely a weird vibe to action we see. From the way that enemies seemingly morph into inanimate objects, through to the rifle that turns them into some sort of space foam. To burn!
Without any context, all we can say is that it looks "interesting".