EA have recently announced that there will be exclusive pre-order bonuses for the upcoming Battlefield 3 that will only be obtainable from select retailers. Currently they have announced that the "Physical warfare pack" DLC will be available from GAME and Gamestation in the UK. This pre-order bonus is in addition to the already announced "Back to Karkand" map pack, but will supposedly be only available to pre-order customers and not purchasable later -- a point which has angered some fans.
Included within the pack is the Type 88 Light Machine gun which will be an exclusive weapon, the DAO-12 shotgun which will be a day one unlock as well as Flechette ammo for the DAO-12 shotgun and Flash suppressor for SKS sniper rifle which are both exclusive to this pack.
It is unknown how this will affect the balance of the game. With exclusive items and with the Flash suppressor being the only sniper rifle suppressor, will this give pre-order customers an unfair advantage?
Currently there is no confirmation of exclusive pre-order bonuses for Australian stores but we can likely assume the usual major retailer suspects (and not the cut-price online retailers that we all frequent).
Battlefield 3 is due on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on October 25 2011.
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Posted 08:19am 13/6/11