And then there were two.
Day Nine of our
Top 10 Best Games of 2019 has finally rounded the corner. Or the bend. Whichever.
There's likely a decently-acknowledged group of you out there that know what Number 1 will be, but why spoil the fun -- all aboard the post-apocalyptic escape train.
Which is more than to suggest that
Metro Exodus made it in at Number Two in our Top 10 Best Games of 2019 list, leaving *tomorrow* as our final day of deliberation, and your final day of us annoying you for 10 days on the trot. Here's some words we wrote:
Some of what makes Exodus stand out is the seasonal shifts. To be honest, until we learnt that the game would feature a stop across all four seasons outside of the metro, above ground, it wasn’t as high on our radar as it ought to have been. Not in line with franchise fatigue, but more a question of “how much more supernatural subway traversal can we handle?” plagued expectation. However, we weren’t just *pleasantly* surprised with the game’s environmental diversity, but with how 4A gave us different ways to experience those unique spaces...
Click here for our second last entry in our Top 10 Best Games of 2019 list.