Ubisoft has been under the microscope of late, with reports from
earlier this week revealing that upcoming title Assassin's Creed: Unity will be sharing graphical parity on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Today, the developer has offered some further details as to the choice of 900p/30FPS.
“At Ubisoft for a long time we wanted to push 60 fps. I don’t think it was a good idea because you don’t gain that much from 60 fps and it doesn’t look like the real thing,” Nicolas Guérin, world level design director told
TechRadar in an interview.
“It’s a bit like The Hobbit movie, it looked really weird.”
Of course, such claims about higher framerates looking weird won't relate well to PC gamers, who have been gaming at framerates higher than 60 for quite awhile now. Guérin went on to say that the industry has “collectively dropped” the 60FPS standard, and that 60FPS is not “that great” when it comes to quality of the picture and image.
Alex Amancio, Unity's creative director, reiterated on the headline's "cinematic" comment elsewhere in the interview. “30 was our goal, it feels more cinematic. 60 is really good for a shooter, action adventure not so much. It actually feels better for people when it’s at that 30fps. It also lets us push the limits of everything to the maximum."
“It’s like when people start asking about resolution. Is it the number of the quality of the pixels that you want? If the game looks gorgeous, who cares about the number?”
How do you feel about graphical parity between two consoles, one of which is technically superior? Do you prefer to game at 60FPS? Don't even care? Let us know in the comments.
Assassin's Creed: Unity will be shipping for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 13th
Posted 01:13pm 10/10/14
Posted 01:36pm 10/10/14
Posted 02:43pm 10/10/14
Posted 04:32pm 10/10/14
Posted 05:04pm 10/10/14
Games do not typically have motion blur, nor do they look like real life no matter how good they look - thus making the comparison rather flawed.
Posted 05:18pm 10/10/14
A read about frame rates on wiki explains how 48 fps was used in the Hobbit (as mentioned in the OP) to reduce flicker and motion blur. "At a preview screening at CinemaCon, the audience's reaction was mixed after being shown some of the film's footage at 48p, with some arguing that the feel of the footage was too lifelike (thus breaking the suspension of disbelief)."
So the devs above are saying 60 fps doesn't look real, yet movie buffs were complaining it's too real and removes any disbelief. The 8K TV standard has 120hz mandatory across all inputs on all TV's, all around the world. (They want to get rid of the 50v60, 100v120hz stuff and just have a single type). The future pushes on while we try and hang onto old 30fps tech. I suppose that's no different to vinyl owners coming to terms with digital storage.
Posted 05:47pm 10/10/14
Posted 07:15pm 10/10/14
Posted 07:29pm 10/10/14
I just bought a PS4 and The Last Of Us - Remastered. It includes a 30fps lock, for whatever reason. I turned it on.
instantly turned it back off for full (whatever it runs at) FPS. 30fps is so 1990's. It's about time EVERYONE got with the program. PC and console alike. 30 FPS is nowhere near acceptable for anything other than youtube videos n s***.
Posted 09:28pm 10/10/14
Posted 10:09pm 10/10/14
it runs at 60fps.
Posted 02:10am 11/10/14
I see several scenarios here:
1) Ubisoft actually did a controlled test where they put gamers into different room, one with the game running at 30FPS and one with it running at 60FPS (or whatever). At the end of the testing they discovered that more people preferred the 30FPS version than the 60FPS one, and made this decision accordingly.
If this is true, then it lends weight to the statement from the article: "... collectively in the video game industry we're dropping that standard" - which is a pretty easily falsifiable comment. How many other games are 30FPS, anyway?
2) They are bad and their engine is bad and they can't get more than 30FPS out of it.
3) Some creative director made the decision thinking with their gut.
I think if 1) had happened they would have actually said they did it. It would be a lot more believable than having a level designer just come out and say "it looked really weird" as their justification.
2) of course doesn't strike me as unlikely at all.
3) I suspect is probably closer to the truth though. In which case it's a ballsy decision. I will be interested to see what the comments are like when the game comes out.
How funny is it though that we're having this discussion in 2014?!
Posted 09:34am 11/10/14
Very funny. Hardware buffs have been saying consoles are weak since the day official specs were released. So weak that 30fps needs to become a standard.
Posted 10:18am 11/10/14
Posted 11:17am 11/10/14
Posted 01:02pm 11/10/14
Current complaint about consoles: They are weak.
Trog: Gee, those guys know what's what
Posted 06:52pm 11/10/14
Imagine that: nVidia The Way It's Ment To Be Played - 30fps
Posted 05:46pm 11/10/14
well at least Bethesda s*** I means Ubisoft warned everyone.
Posted 10:05am 13/10/14
Posted 11:59am 13/10/14
Posted 12:45pm 13/10/14
409 comments and counting.