Unlike most games based on the Aliens movie franchise, Creative Assembly keeps reminding us that the forthcoming Alien: Isolation draws its inspiration from the horror themes of the original 1979 Ridley Scott film, rather than its more action-oriented contemporaries.
The developer is also aiming to capture the look of the first film too, and this latest developer diary style video explains how the studio has approached what they refer to as "low-fi sci-fi" with things like spaceship instrument panels and displays as they were imagined in the 1970s with lots of buttons, dials and CRT screens. Watch it below.
Alien: Isolation is due on October 7 2014 for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.
I really like the look and style of it. If I get the game, I will probably spend half the time taking screenshots of everything. Then hiding in a locker, like a Martin from the Simpsons hiding from Nelson.
Posted 12:29pm 17/4/14
Posted 06:47pm 17/4/14
I'm SOLD already damnit, now I've just gotta manage my own expectations of what I 'hope it to be'.