The big question is, have you experienced gaming on an Ultra-Wide 21:9 aspect ratio monitor? If the answer is yes then you'll be aware that just like when the curtains open at your local cinema, everything is better in cinema-scope widescreen. If you answered no, then you're like us. Or how we used to be until the Acer Predator X34 Ultra-Wide monitor arrived.
Now we're full Ultra-Wide converts. This is the future. And it's glorious.

Ultra-Wide monitors have been around for a while now, and truth be told we’ve kind of ignored their existence as somewhat of a gimmick or completely unnecessary for gaming. 21:9 aspect ratio? Surely a thing for those who need multiple windows open at any given time to browse, write, and surf the web. Which, we’ve come to realise is just about everyone. Including us. So, from an immediate productivity position, an Ultra-Wide monitor is something to savour. And the Acer Predator X34 is a winner on that front with its 34440x1440 resolution and immersive widescreen display. A definite improvement over standard 16:9 1080p and 1440p screens.
But what about gaming? Games aren’t meant to be played in cinemascope - so why bother with an Ultra-Wide screen. Well, turns out we were wrong on that front too. 21:9 gaming on the Acer Predator X34 presents a monumental shift in immersion over the regular 16:9 display we were running mere moments before the X34 arrived. From DOOM to Assassin’s Cred Origins to Wolfenstein II – this is next level stuff. Not only are we now converts and full disciples in the Ways of the Ultra-Wide Monitor, it doesn’t hurt that the X34 also includes one of the best IPS panels we’ve ever seen. Regardless of aspect ratio. This is gaming as it was always meant to be.
Click Here to Read Our Full Acer Predator X34 Monitor Review
Posted 04:37pm 14/12/17
This has been out for over year or 2. THe new one is coming out in the next few months. It will have 200hz and 35". Willing to wait.
16221888/acer-predator-x35-gaming-monitor-specs 0-x-1440-ultrawide-with-g-sync-hdr/
Posted 05:21pm 14/12/17
Posted 09:53pm 14/12/17
Posted 09:56pm 14/12/17
Posted 12:59pm 15/12/17
The Dell Alienware AW3418DW is a superior monitor in every way, and probably the best ultrawide money can buy at the moment (it is a tiny bit more expensive than the Acer/Asus but only by a couple of hundred, and its 100hz native, 120hz overlock which works for everyone, excellent quality control, and the customer service is very very good.
Posted 03:50pm 15/12/17
Posted 09:18pm 15/12/17
Posted 09:27pm 15/12/17
Posted 03:04am 16/12/17
Posted 10:05am 16/12/17
I like it, it's pretty neat.
Posted 02:22pm 16/12/17
Posted 01:59pm 27/12/17
Posted 06:43pm 29/12/17
Unfortunately, there's nothing on the current market that I feel is worth the $$$, so I'm holding out for a new asus 200Hz 1440p gsync display I reckon.
Basically I want something 1440p, 34"+, 144hz+ & gsync.
Posted 07:34pm 01/1/18
I was going to hold out for the Asus one too, but the Alienware I mentioned is 120hz IPS and I think may actually just be a flat out better choice than the upcoming PG35VQ / Acer X35.
The AW was on sale for $1650 during the boxing day sales, but is likely back up now. If you haggle with the Dell people, you should be able to get it for $1750-$1800.
Posted 11:54am 02/1/18