Janet De Mornay is a Slumlord (and a witch) is an upcoming game from Sydney-based Fuzzy Ghost who is encouraging people to submit their horror rental stories right here or on Twitter with the hashtag "#renterhorror". The game, billed as a horror-comedy in the vein of Beetlejuice and Poltergeist, sees players solving puzzles while managing their landlord who has traveled with them into an alternate dimension.
“We wanted to make a horror game, so we asked ourselves: In Australia in the 2020s, what’s something that’s truly terrifying? To be honest the answer came pretty quickly—being a renter,” said Scott Ford, co-founder of Fuzzy Ghost and experienced renter in Sydney’s inner west. “JDM is a horror comedy about renting, and it feels like everyone we know has had a rental experience that’s horrible, or hilarious or both. We wanted to share their stories, as well as our own. Just have a great big b**** session, really. But in a game. And with witches.”From the traier we can see that the game is rudimentary and definitely on-the-nose, but sometimes that's the best comedy of all. Stay tuned for more on how this initiative turns out and for more on the game as it continues development. |