And it comes in at around 22GB worth of data, so nothing to sneeze at, and if you've played any of the seasonal festival content for Assassin's Creed Valhalla before, you'll know it packs plenty to do. Oh, and the festival in question? Why the Oskoreia Festival of course, a time when the the ghosts of the dead rise to challenge the weak among the living, and they have Ravensthorpe in their sights.
This is a free update, but a limited-time event. You'll also need at least a Level 2 Ravensthorpe and have completed either the Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire questlines to partake. Here's a Ye Olde flyer explaining more about both Oskoreia Festival and Odin's Wild Hunt: In the Oskoreia Festival, players will partake in three replayable activities—archery, horseback riding, and a new tournament against spirits. In the tournament, players will be cast into the Veil. Facing the various challenges ahead, from trained warriors to untamed beasts and monsters, players will need to unlock harder levels to put their fighting skills to the ultimate test. The archery contest returns with newly added friendly targets, that will impact players’ progress and keep them away from the highest score. In addition, during Oskoreia’s festivities, new quests will bring the players to meet the Mad Monk and resolve the mystery of a fallen warrior.Watch a trailer highlighting all of the above, embedded below. |